Thumb Author Arantza Martín Becerro

Arantza Martín Becerro


Information and documentation management specialist Arantza Becerro has worked as a librarian, documentalist, consultant, creator of programs for children's environments, and as a State official (which she is currently working in). She also has experience as a content writer, especially on maternity, parenting, and education topics.

About the author

Graduated in Information and Documentation from the University of Salamanca (2016). She completed her training with a Master's degree in Digital Information Systems at this same university (2017).

In 2017, she received an award from the Spanish Society for Scientific Documentation and Information for the project titled Children's and Youth Literature on Distribution and Sales Platforms. She has experience as a web documentalist, as a librarian in the Salamanca City Council, as a culture and reading consultant, and as a bookstore manager. She has specialized in working with children, and she has theoretical and practical training as a monitor of toy libraries, a facilitator of children's literature programs, and as a creator of digital models for the educational environment.

She has been a Ministry of the Interior official since 2021, a task that she complements with her work as an editor for different digital media.

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