Thumb Author Martín Gruenberg

Martín Gruenberg


About the author

A Bachelor of Medicine with a specialty in Pediatrics from the University of Buenos Aires. International Member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AA) and the Argentine Society of Pediatrics.

For a long time, he was a teacher at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and at the Italian Hospital. He currently teaches in the Child Care Training career at the Argentine Child Care Association and is dedicated to outpatient pediatrics, especially child sleep disorders.

Gruenberg has presented numerous research papers at conferences and journals in his specialty. He is the author of the books Let's sleep and The pediatrician at home and has collaborated with various media outlets such as Crecer con tu bebé (América), Vivir mejor (Channel 7), Pediatra de familia (Aleph Network), Mariana de casa (Canal 13), Cuidando a tu bebé (America), Mamma mia (Channel 9), My baby, and Mamás al ataque (Utilísima Satelital), Morfi (channel 11) and Que mañana (Channel 9).

Currently, he gives conferences throughout Latin America on sleep disorders and the importance of microbiota and he is well-known worldwide for his medical knowledge.