What to Do if Your Baby Is Born with Teeth

When a baby is born with teeth, the parents might be worried or even a little scared. Don't worry, this won't affect your baby at all, and it won't be a problem. However, it might be annoying when breastfeeding.
What to Do if Your Baby Is Born with Teeth

Last update: 17 July, 2019

Indeed, there are babies born with teeth. It’s not very common, but it happens in one out of every three thousand births. The first teeth usually come in around six or eight months. Nevertheless, although it’s not normal, there are some babies that are born with teeth, or that appear after a few days.

Specifically, they’re buds of teeth that break through the gums up to six days after delivery. In fact, babies can be born with whole teeth or just a part earlier than normal.

These teeth are known as natal teeth. The reason for them to appear is that the root develops in an abnormal position. Therefore, they reach the surface faster than normal.

These cases occur more frequently in girls, and they might appear one or two teeth at a time. Generally, the bottom front teeth come in first.

Causes and possible symptoms of natal teeth

Teeth start to form inside the mother’s womb. For 3 or 4 months of pregnancy, a hard tissue forms around them. Natal teeth are related to hereditary factors, mothers not taking vitamins, fevers, and other disorders.

In some babies, they could happen from a syndrome or other abnormalities such as cleft lip or palateIn addition, environmental factors can also cause some babies to be born with teeth.

When the roots are developing, babies could have an infection, trauma, or suffer from malnutrition. Also, the root could be higher up in the gum, the babies could have hormonal stimulation, or the mother could be exposed to toxins in the environment.

Some children don’t have any problems when their teeth come in. However, others can be irritable, cry a lot, have trouble falling asleep, and not want to eat.

Also, it’s possible for babies’ gums to swell, and for them to have a fever or slight increase in body temperature. In these cases, it’s best to take your baby to the doctor.

What to Do if Your Baby Is Born with Teeth

What should I do if my baby is born with teeth?

If your baby is born with teeth, there is nothing to be worried about. However, if the teeth are too loose, your baby could be at risk of swallowing them.

In fact, you can remove the natal teeth shortly after birth when the baby is still in the hospital. This isn’t always the best option, and doctors only pull them if they’re too loose and immature.

Although it might be uncomfortable, you don’t need to be afraid of your baby biting you while breastfeeding. While sucking, your baby can’t bite you. To breastfeed, newborns suckle using their tongue and not gums where their teeth are.

In these cases, you shouldn’t do anything if your baby is born with teeth, unless they cause problems eating or mouth injuries. For example, natal teeth can cause ulcers to form on babies’ tongues while suckling. Then, these can make them reject breastfeeding.

In addition, these newborns might have their baby teeth come in earlier, and they also lose their teeth earlier.

Precautions to take

First of all, you should keep your child’s natal teeth clean by gently brushing a clean, damp cloth over them and the gums. Don’t forget to check his tongue and gums frequently. That way, you can be sure that his teeth aren’t hurting him.

Also, remember to check with your doctor if there’s a risk of him developing ulcers in his mouth or tongue.

What to Do if Your Baby Is Born with Teeth

“You can remove the natal teeth shortly after birth when the baby is still in the hospital. However, doctors only pull them if they’re too loose and immature.”

Although not directly related to any disease, natal teeth can be associated with the following disorders:  Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Hallermanm-Streiff syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome and Soto syndrome.

You need to keep in mind that these teeth aren’t fully developed because they came in prematurely. Therefore, try to be aware of the symptoms your baby might have. Additionally, call your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Finally, if your baby isn’t in danger of swallowing his teeth, you don’t need to pull them out. Usually, children born with teeth are able to develop their full milk teeth faster than other infants, but they also lose them earlier.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.