8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Baby's Muscles

8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Baby's Muscles

Last update: 05 April, 2018

During the first years of life, babies must gain muscle tone in order to sit, crawl or walk. Because of this, it’s recommended that you practice the following exercises to help strengthen your baby’s muscles.

Exercise is fundamental in any person’s life in order to maintain good health and well being.

Physical activity improves circulation, burns unnecessary fat, and moves bones and muscles.

Through physical activity, you can help your baby strengthen his muscles so he can have the necessary motor skills.

In addition, exercise time is an ideal way to spend time with your baby and help him build healthy habits.

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body is. The more efficient your body, the better you will feel and the more you will use your talent to produce incredible results.

-Anthony Robbins-

The best exercises to strengthen your baby’s muscles

Studies show that babies and preschoolers need to have at least half an hour of exercise every day.

Implementing this activity in the family routine will reduce the chances of obesity and other diseases associated with this condition.

8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Baby's Muscles

Why are exercises necessary to strengthen a baby’s muscles?

Brain development is directly linked to muscle activity in children, especially in the early ages.

Children who lack muscle development don’t build neurological connections as effectively as those who do have regular physical activity.

In addition, as we already mentioned, when children exercise from an early age, they’re more likely to continue with this habit in adulthood.

From early on, the baby can begin to develop flexibility, coordination and balance.

From 0 to 6 months

  • Place your baby on his back on the bed and put your index fingers in his hands. When he squeezes your fingers, take hold of his hands and lift his torso off the bed. The baby will gradually increase in strength and try to lift his own body. Hold him elevated for a few seconds before gently resting him back on the bed again.
  • Place your baby upright on your shoulder. In this position, the baby can lift his head for a few seconds. Make sure to support his back with your arms so that his body doesn’t lean backwards.
  • Place the baby in a prone position on a soft but firm surface. During the first few months, babies won’t do much in this position. This changes as they grow. He’ll try to turn his head, rest his body on his forearms and look around.
  • Place the baby on his back and hold his feet. Alternate extending one leg out and pushing the other leg toward his chest as if he were riding a bicycle. Repeat this movement three times with each leg and let him rest before doing it again.
8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Baby's Muscles

From 6 to 12 months

  • While your baby is lying on his back, hold him by his forearms and pull him up so that he is sitting with his back straight. Hold this for a few seconds and slowly return him to the starting position. Repeat this exercise four times.
  • Put your baby on his stomach and carefully place his forearms under his shoulders. Then support him under his hips and raise them up to an angle of 45 degrees. Let the baby rest on his forearms.
  • Another exercise to strengthen your baby’s muscles starts with the little one lying on his back. Take his right leg and, keeping it straight, push it toward his left ear. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement five times, alternating with the other leg and ear.
  • The exercise commonly known as the “bicycle” is also suitable for children of this age. Place him on his back and, holding his feet, simulate the movement of pedaling a bicycle. 

Remember that it’s essential that you involve your children in the habit of physical exercise.

And of course, you can gather the family together for physical activity.

Besides being a healthy practice, it’s a great strategy to promote family bonding.

Helping your child pick up healthy habits will allow him to be a happy adult with appropriate routines.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.