3 Apps to Monitor Your Baby's Growth

Discover these apps to monitor your baby's growth and start resting easy. Why not make the hard work of parenting a little less difficult?
3 Apps to Monitor Your Baby's Growth

Last update: 01 August, 2021

It seems incredible, but until recently, technology didn’t intervene so directly in parenting. However, today, there are many aids that make the task easier. Do you know any of these apps to monitor your baby’s growth?

While it’s true that children still don’t come with an instruction manual, you can make things easier for yourself in terms of organization. Take note and you’ll see that many of the applications to monitor your baby’s growth can be very useful.

Advantages of apps to monitor your baby’s growth

Apps are often very useful. Depending on your needs, you’ll find some that help you to eat better, to get the sleep your body needs, and even to drink more water.

If you think about parenting and everything you have to keep track of with the little ones, think of the benefits that an app could offer. There are apps that send you a notification that alerts you about the next visit to the pediatrician, that help you track your baby’s feeding and sleep, and even their temperature. And, as we’ve said, there are also apps to monitor your baby’s growth.

Today, we’ll focus on the latter. If you want to know if your baby’s gaining enough weight or has grown the inches they should, these apps will be your best allies.

A mother nursing her newborn and using an app on her phone.

1. Baby Monitor app

This is one of the apps with the most functions, which makes it very complete and attractive. For example, you can communicate directly with your baby through the microphone of their device. At the same time, it’s capable of detecting noise if your child wakes up or moves while sleeping and recording it in iCloud to track their sleeping. And with a smartphone or tablet, you can easily monitor your baby’s growth.

In addition, the application has twelve different night lights in the shape of animals. This is one of the most popular alternatives thanks to how easy is it to use.

2. eMyBaby, another of the apps to monitor your baby’s growth

This is a free app focused on taking care of the health and growth of babies and newborns by creating a data sheet of the child (weight, height, etc.). This way, you’ll have all the important information under control.

It also gives you the possibility of creating a medical record that reminds you of appointments with the pediatrician, vaccinations, etc. Through your phone, you can even monitor your baby’s temperature remotely.

It includes a calendar to mark the most important events, and you can design a family album to store your baby’s memories. There’s also the option of creating a family tree with a card dedicated to each member of the family.

A mother taking a selfie of her and her baby.

3. Baby Connect

Beyond the medical aspect, it’s highly recommended that you get into the habit of recording each of the changes your baby goes through. This way, you’ll be able to see their evolution and have any data at hand in case an alarm sign arises. This is when this app–available on both the App Store and Google Play–will be of great help.

It also allows you to keep a daily record of your baby. From diapers to sleeping hours, doctor visits, food eaten, medicines, vaccinations, growth, mood, or photos.

Each baby has its own profile in which its data and activities are recorded, which makes it perfect for large families. It allows several authorized users to access it. In this way, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or teachers will be updated on the baby’s status at all times.

These apps to monitor your baby’s growth are just some of the many that exist. They all help you in different areas and can act as your virtual secretary.

There are so many aspects to take into account during the first months of a baby’s life, which is why technology has taken a step forward to make it easier for you.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.