4 Effective Child-Raising Habits

Raising a child doesn't need to be synonymous with anger and complaining. On the contrary, healthy habits and a good attitude can produce great results.
4 Effective Child-Raising Habits
María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez.

Last update: 27 December, 2022

It’s important to learn and apply effective child-raising habits. For example, recognizing your children’s achievements, both big and small, will make them feel proud and capable.
You can have a positive influence on your child’s self image every day. Your tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions work together to build this image.
All of these factors, as well as your words, actions and attitudes, affect the development of your child’s self-esteem and personality.

Allow your children to do things for themselves. Independence is one of the best gifts you can give a child or a teenager.

Many times we want to make things easy for our children by doing things for them. And, to be honest, sometimes it’s also easier on us as parents to do things for them.

However, in the long run, allowing our children to do things by themselves will help build their character.

“You don’t need to be your children’s primary caregiver to be of primary influence in their lives. What you do for them behind the scenes in your own unique way is what makes the true difference in the long run”
–Miya Yamanouchi–

Effective child-raising habits: 4 pillars for educating your children

1. Cultivate their abilities and talents

Each child has particular gifts to explore. These abilities emerge both in school and in daily activities, so it’s important to pay attention.

Invite your children to explore different activities that stimulate them and help them to discover their interests .

2. Applaud and recognize their efforts

Studies have shown that a person’s achievements and successes influence their behavior. Highlight the moments when your child makes a big effort to complete a task.

The feeling of accomplishment will give your little ones the courage to face challenges as they grow up .

Effective Child-Raising Habits

3. Try to establish a routine

It’s good to set a household routine for family members to lunch and dinner together. Besides being a fundamental part of the development and nutrition of your children, shared mealtimes also boost interaction

The conversations and debates that arise around the table will allow your children to adopt your family’s values. If children feel that their family hears and supports them, they’ll repeat this conduct in any environment.

4. Establish limits and be consistent with discipline

Discipline is necessary in every home. Through it, children learn to recognize behaviors that are acceptable and those that are not.

This will not only help them adapt while they’re young, but also help them become responsible adults in the future.

Little ones tend to repeatedly test the limits we set for them, so it’s important to be consistent. Household rules help children learn self-control and develop a tolerance to frustration .

Effective child-raising habits: Tips for putting them into practice

  • Give your little ones the possibility to find solutions to their conflicts. The feelings they experience when they have a problem – and solve it – will make them more resilient.
  • Dedicate time to playing with your kids. Set aside specific times for family fun. Let your children choose the activities and just have a good time.
  • Make unique and lasting memories. Your children won’t always remember the things you say to them. However, they’ll always cherish positive experiences and family traditions.
  • Teach your children to care for the environment. This point goes beyond the well-being of just your family. It’s important to educate your children to care for the planet. Teach them to love it and treat it as home.
  • Always tell the truth. If you want to raise honest children, the best way to do so is through your own example.
Effective Child-Raising Habits
  • Allow your children to spend time with all their family members. Of course, parents are the family nucleus. But a child that interacts with aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins learns how to live in society.
  • Teach your little ones to be responsible citizens. Show them how to function in society. You can involve them in tasks like paying bills, and teach them to obey traffic rules.
  • Emphasize good values. Each situation that you encounter is an opportunity to highlight positive values. Show your kids how to be honest, respectful and generous with others and with themselves.
  • Be generously affectionate. Hugs, kisses and complements are free, and they’ll make your children extremely happy. There’s no greater feeling than knowing you’re loved.
  • Care for your family’s physical and mental health. This last recommendation has to do with self-care. Keeping ourselves in optimal conditions creates a feeling of well-being to start each day.

“Your children won’t always remember the things you say to them. However, they will always cherish positive experiences and family traditions”

Nobody said being a parent was easy, and there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe for raising a child.

Taking on effective child-raising habits for your family and instilling good values will make bringing up your little ones a happy and harmonious experience for all.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

    • Bowlby, J. (1986). Vínculos afectivos: formación, desarrollo y pérdida. Madrid: Morata.
    • Bowlby, J. (1995). Teoría del apego. Lebovici, Weil-HalpernF.
    • Garrido-Rojas, L. (2006). Apego, emoción y regulación emocional. Implicaciones para la salud. Revista latinoamericana de psicología, 38(3), 493-507. https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/805/80538304.pdf
    • Marrone, M., Diamond, N., Juri, L., & Bleichmar, H. (2001). La teoría del apego: un enfoque actual. Madrid: Psimática.
    • Moneta, M. (2003). El Apego. Aspectos clínicos y psicobiológicos de la díada madre-hijo. Santiago: Cuatro Vientos.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.