Is it Normal to Feel Like Crying During Pregnancy?

Changes in the body during the first weeks of pregnancy, and even up until the end of pregnancy, can cause depressive states or crying episodes in the mother.
Is it Normal to Feel Like Crying During Pregnancy?
María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez.

Written by Naí Botello

Last update: 27 December, 2022

During pregnancy, many women experience greater sensitivity, and states of anxiety or depression. Undoubtedly, what should represent a period of happiness can become a constant struggle when the mother cannot help but wonder if it’s normal to feel like crying during pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalances do indeed lead to mood swings. However, special attention should be paid if the symptoms go from paper-skin sensitivity to a chronic depressive state. Join us to delve further into this subject.

Is it normal to feel like crying during pregnancy?

The answer to this common question is yes. Due to physical and hormonal changes, the mother may experience changes in behavior during pregnancy. These can include sadness, anxiety, a desire to cry or even tantrums.

However, these sensations don’t have to occur throughout the pregnancy, not even for a full month. In that case we’re talking about perinatal depression and you should take appropriate measures.

Perinatal depression

Perinatal depression refers to a state of sadness, confusion and loneliness in the mother. It can occur before or after delivery. It differs from a simple transient hormonal alteration because, once it appears, this depressive condition can remain for several days or months.

These attacks of sadness coincide with symptoms like insomnia or, on the contrary, a desire to sleep all day. The mother may also experience apathy, a lack of interest (even for her baby’s arrival), difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite, nervousness or feelings of hopelessness.

Is it Normal to Feel Like Crying During Pregnancy?

Why does this condition occur?

It’s estimated that these crying states and episodes of sadness may occasionally appear in pregnant women, but that only 10% or 15% will feel the effect in a marked way.

This doesn’t mean that if you want to cry due to a hormonal imbalance, you’ll definitely experience perinatal depression. This depends on numerous factors, such as your own or your family’s psychiatric background and socio-demographic and medical conditions.

On the other hand, one must take into account the current life situation of the pregnant woman and other things that could affect her mood. These may include financial problems, marriage difficulties, being a single mother and not having support from the father, or problems at work, among many other scenarios.

The hormonal alterations will affect the chemical neurotransmitters that regulate moods in the brain. This alteration leads to feelings of sensitivity, which include crying or wanting to cry.

“What should be a period of happiness can become a constant struggle when the mother cannot help but wonder if it’s normal to feel like crying during pregnancy.”

How can you combat the feeling of crying during pregnancy

First of all, you should know that crying isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If analyzed carefully, crying serves as a natural painkiller that can bring us into a state of serenity.

Therefore, if you feel like crying, you shouldn’t try to stop it or demonize the sensation. On the contrary, you can let yourself go and relieve your sorrows in order to feel calm.

What you must always keep in mind is that you should avoid falling into prolonged states of sadness and try to maintain the best attitude with respect to adversity. Understand that hormonal changes are temporary.

To combat the desire to cry during pregnancy, you can also follow these tips:

  • Perform physical exercise, which can include small walks throughout the day. This helps reduce the level of cortisol, the hormone linked to stress, and elevate the level of serotonin, the hormone related to pleasure and well-being.
Is it Normal to Feel Like Crying During Pregnancy?
  • Try to sleep at least 8 hours each night. This ensures that your body has enough rest for tranquility the next day.
  • Avoid watching distressing news, movies or television programs that may create sensitivity or nervousness.
  • Eat a balanced diet so that your hormones and body work correctly.

To combat depressive states, it’s also essential for you to surround yourself with family and friends who offer their support. You can also consider the guidance of a health professional who can study your case more carefully.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.