7 Vitamins You Should Take to Get Pregnant
Vitamins are substances of vital importance for our health; They’re responsible for the regulation of many of the functions of our bodies. For this reason, it’s not surprising that the lack of these nutrients in the body decreases fertility. With that in mind, we want to tell you about the 7 vitamins you should take to get pregnant.
We must pay attention to this issue, because our body can only produce vitamin D naturally, and always through exposure to sunlight. The other vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body, so they must be ingested through foods or supplements.
You must be careful about the nutrients you eat and emphasize those that are an essential part of a balanced diet when trying to conceive a baby. Some vitamins are of vital importance when pursuing this goal.
What vitamins should you take to get pregnant? What foods should you include in your diet if you want to conceive a baby? You’ll get all these answers below.
What vitamins should you take to get pregnant?
Your body must be prepared to house a child for nine months. Therefore, nutrition and coverage of the needs in terms of vitamins and minerals are basic in order to conceive and have a pregnancy with minimal risks.
Experts recommend that you include the following vitamins rigorously in your diet so that the chances of becoming pregnant increase considerably.
Vitamin B
There are several types of B vitamins that are essential in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Vitamin B6 is essential for maintaining pregnancy, according to an article published in 2017. It’s responsible for maintaining progesterone at its normal levels and prevents miscarriages. It’s found in foods such as organ meats or meats in general, dairy products, eggs, or fish.
Another essential B group vitamin is folic acid; This helps prevent malformations, complications, and even defects in the baby’s neural tube. Therefore, you must ingest it from the moment you decide to get pregnant.
Doctors generally recommend starting a disciplined intake of folic acid about 3 months before you get pregnant. It can be found mainly in vegetables such as chard, spinach, broccoli, or cabbage, and in whole grains.
However, given its importance and in order to avoid its deficiency in the body, it’s also possible to take folic acid supplements. Of course, this requires the authorization of your doctor.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps maintain optimal levels of progesterone so that the ovules maintain their cycles and fertilization is carried out successfully. Keeping this vitamin within a suitable range can help improve fertility according to an article published in the journal “Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology”. It can easily be found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, and parsley.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D can be produced naturally by your body; It’s synthesized when you’re exposed to sunlight. Few foods, such as milk, butter, eggs, and oily fish are also sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin D can increase the chances of getting pregnant by producing sex hormones that regulate ovulation and also reducing the risks of complications during childbirth.
“Food and coverage of the needs in terms of vitamins and minerals are basic in order to conceive and have a pregnancy with minimal risks”
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is important in regulating the hormonal system, it helps prevent alterations in the menstrual cycle, improves the function of the reproductive system, protects the ovules from mutations, and controls free radicals that damage sperm.
It can also help improve the chances of implantation of fertilized eggs and the quality of cervical mucus. However, current reviews conclude that the evidence on the efficacy of antioxidant administration in increasing fertility is insufficient. It can be found in foods such as nuts, egg yolks, and olive oil; it can even be consumed daily in pill form.
Zinc helps women’s bodies use estrogen more efficiently, which helps trigger ovulation and fertility. It’s in shellfish, beans, and dairy products.
Iron, found in meats and spinach, helps make red blood cells. These are of the utmost importance because when the body doesn’t have enough of them, the most common form of anemia occurs. Women with this condition are more prone to anovulation and poor egg health.
Should I only take vitamins to get pregnant?
Women aren’t the only ones who should seek to consume vitamins that help promote the conception of a baby. Men must also acquire them through their diet to help them increase and keep their sperm alive, which facilitates the conception process.
Vitamins A, B12, C, and E increase sperm count and thus the chances of conceiving. Other nutrients that play an important role in this are selenium or zinc, which additionally increases testosterone levels.
Likewise, antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and E protect the cells of the male reproductive system from premature aging processes that may be caused by the presence of free radicals.
Other minerals such as iodine, which we find in seafood, iron, calcium, or vitamin C favor the mobility of sperm and prevent them from agglutinating. This way, fertility is increased.
Diet influences fertility
Food influences all the processes of our bodies and that includes fertility, both in men and women. For this reason, eating a healthy diet is of utmost importance in order to stay healthy, especially when it comes to conceiving.
Finally, in addition to knowing what vitamins you should take to get pregnant and what foods you can find them in, you should also reduce stress levels and avoid harmful habits such as tobacco. In that sense, drugs and alcohol greatly affect conception.
Finally, schedule a visit to the doctor
Once you’ve decided to get pregnant, a medical check-up will help you incorporate self-care in the reproductive sphere. And it will guide you in the idea that pregnancy requires biopsychosocial preparation.
The consultation will allow the doctor to detect and evaluate biological and social conditions, habits, and lifestyles, in you and your partner. This will help identify any reproduction issues. This consultation should be planned at least one year before the desired conception.
A list of pre-existing physical conditions, hereditary or genetic history, nutritional and physical habits is required. Also, the consumption of medications and the ruling out of sexually transmitted diseases, among other important conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney, or thyroid disease.
Other diseases that must be analyzed following the Preconception Care Protocol are anemia, epilepsy, tuberculosis, asthma, arthritis, lupus, and finally, morbid obesity.
From the latter, the need for women wishing to become pregnant to eat diets rich in essential fatty acids follows. These are found in fish such as tuna or salmon and in green leafy vegetables . Also in flaxseed, walnut, chia seed oil, and vegetable oils such as flaxseed, soybean, and canola.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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