What Is the Chadwick Sign During Pregnancy?

The Chadwick sign is considered one of the most common signs of pregnancy. However, it can also be triggered by the menstrual cycle.
What Is the Chadwick Sign During Pregnancy?

Last update: 30 August, 2019

The absence or delay in menstruation is usually one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, but it isn’t a determining factor. Many women have frequent irregularities or delays in their menstrual cycle. The Chadwick sign is part of a long list of signs that occur when a woman is pregnant.

What is the Chadwick sign?

The Chadwick sign is also known as the “Jacquemier sign.” It’s characterized by a violet or dark blue tone of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. It usually appears in the fourth week of pregnancy. It’s a normal effect of local venous congestion, which occurs as a result of the increase in progesterone.

This change can be observed through a speculum during a gynecological examination. However, the appearance of the Chadwick sign doesn’t guarantee that a pregnancy exists. Color changes in the vaginal area also occur days before menstruation.

Although the Chadwick sign is considered one of the main signs of a possible pregnancy, it must be linked to other signs of pregnancy for confirmation. Some women have no symptoms of pregnancy until after 2 weeks. More than likely, these symptoms occur between 4 and 6 weeks of gestation.

The Chadwick sign during pregnancy

Usually, the Chadwick sign remains throughout the gestation period. This can only be analyzed by a specialist through a gynecological examination.

Usually, this symptom disappears when the pregnancy ends without having to resort to any type of medical treatment. The reason why is because it’s a natural process of the physiological functioning of the body.

What Is the Chadwick Sign?

Other signs that accompany the Chadwick sign

In addition to many of the common discomforts expectant mothers experience, there are other signs that accompany the Chadwick sign, listed below:

  • Noble-Budin sign: It’s diagnosed with a vaginal touch. The vaginal cul-de-sac flattens and takes on a globular form.
  • Pinard sign: Fetal movements are collected, which allow for the proper diagnosis of the existence of pregnancy.
  • Osiander sign: It consists of a vaginal pulse, an early sign of pregnancy.
  • Braga sign: This sign is characterized by a color change in the uterine cervix.
  • Dickinson’s sign: The size of the uterus increases, mainly in the anteroposterior diameter. It then becomes globular or spherical.
  • Fisherman’s sign: Refers to the transmission of slight movements in the cord to the uterine fundus.

“The Chadwick sign is characterized by a violet or dark blue tone of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. It usually appears in the fourth week of pregnancy.”

Other symptoms that may indicate a pregnancy

You may begin to experience various other symptoms as your pregnancy progresses and the baby begins to develop. The Chadwick sign is one of them. You should also be aware of other symptoms that may occur.

In many cases, women manifest different symptoms. Here are the main ones:

  • Absence of the menstrual cycle
  • Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Alteration in smell and digestion
  • Pain in the abdominal area
  • Light vaginal bleeding
  • Painful breasts
  • Increase in breast size
  • Constant feeling of fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Increased urination
What Is the Chadwick Sign?

When should you take a pregnancy test?

There are several pregnancy tests that promise accurate results. However, specialists recommend taking one if your menstrual cycle is at least seven days late. By that time, your body will start producing the hormone hCG, which will yield a more reliable result. If you take a pregnancy test any earlier, the odds of getting a negative result increases.

If you start to experience pregnancy symptoms and think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test and then go to a specialist. Your symptoms may also be a sign of other medical conditions. We recommend consulting an expert.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.