Thumb Author Marta Crespo Garcia

Marta Crespo Garcia


About the author

Graduated in Pedagogy (with a special mention in Educational Guidance and Counseling) (2015), and a Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Learning Difficulties (2016) from the University of Salamanca.

Early Childhood Education Technician (2019) at IES Fernando de Rojas. (Salamanca)

Courses; Agent equal opportunities for women (April 2019, UEMEC), Creation of content and educational resources on the Internet. MOODLE (June 2019, SEPE) Free time monitor (March 2015, JCYL).

Collaboration with the University of Salamanca in the Research Project "Development of a morphosyntactic skills teaching program for deaf students: effects on sentence reading strategies" (EDU 2014-52739-P).

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