Baby carrier risks: Why choose bonoch for your baby?

Looking for the ideal baby carrier to take care of your little one's health? Avoid those that are tight on their legs or have a rigid back support. In the following article, we’ll tell you about their risks and why bonoch is the best option.
Baby carrier risks: Why choose bonoch for your baby?

Last update: 13 March, 2025

Choosing how to carry your baby is one of the most important and difficult decisions. Among the many options that facilitate mobility, baby carriers are one of the most popular, thanks to their practicality and comfort.

However, it’s important to know that the shape of a baby carrier can influence the physical development of your child, especially of their hips.

The risks of using an inappropriate baby carrier

When choosing a baby carrier, it’s important for it to respect the child’s anatomy to avoid developmental problems. When rigid backpacks or fabric slings are used without proper containment, there are possible risks for the baby:

  • Hip dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is one of the most serious consequences of keeping your child in the wrong leg position. It’s a condition in which the hip doesn’t develop correctly, and, if left untreated, can cause pain or long-term problems, such as childhood osteoarthritis.
  • Skull malformations: A poorly designed baby carrier can generate pressure on sensitive areas of the head, causing postural plagiocephaly or “flat head syndrome
  • “, a skull deformity that occurs due to constant pressure.
  • Back problems: A newborn’s spine has a natural “C” curvature, which must be maintained as long as possible for proper development. Carriers that aren’t ergonomic have a rigid panel that forces the child to keep their back straight in an unnatural way. As a result, these carriers can compromise spinal alignment and contribute to poor posture.

Therefore, you should choose those baby carriers that offer adequate support, such as those of the brand bonoch, which are known for their ergonomic and functional design, which takes care of the little one’s health and makes it easy for parents to use.

The advantages of the bonoch baby carrier

The bonoch baby carrier  has an innovative design with a custom fit for each stage of growth. Not only does it maintain the correct posture of the child’s hips and spine, but it’s also comfortable and very easy to use.

1. Maintains the natural hip position

This sling is designed to keep the legs in the correct posture. A simple turn of its EasyFit adjustment knob ensures that the baby is seated in a natural position, with the legs dangling at 90° if facing forward or in the “frog-leg” position or “M” position when facing you.

As stated by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, it’s important to keep your little one’s legs in this position, rather than wrapping them up with their legs straight, to allow for movement. This way, their hips can develop without problems. In fact, countries where babies are kept in such carriers have fewer cases of dysplasia.

baby carrier
The bonoch baby carrier prevents hip problems by respecting the natural position of the legs in any of its three positions (front, back or facing outward).

2. It has an ergonomic system

The C-shaped structure of the bonoch carrier follows the natural curvature of the child’s back. Together with the position of the legs, this ergonomic position supports the development of the spine. According to an article published in Pediatría Integral, this prevents the child from tilting their head backward and causing cervical problems.

Moreover, the three-point support system reduces the discomfort typical of other backpacks. It distributes the weight evenly across the adult’s waist, shoulders and back without putting unwanted pressure on the abdominal area. This makes it perfect for mothers who’ve had a cesarean section.

baby carrier
The three support points reduce pressure and allow you to carry your child for much longer.

3. It’s easy to use and comfortable for adults

Its system with a knob with easy adjustment and magnetic side buckles facilitates a quick and secure fastening, ready to use in 30 seconds. This makes it ideal for everyday use. At the same time, as its straps are adjustable, it adapts very quickly to different body types, allowing anyone to carry the baby without problems.

baby carrier
Its “H” shaped straps and wide, padded waist belt fit the body perfectly, without slipping when moving with it.

4. Soft and gentle materials for the baby

Made with high-quality materials, bonoch offers a soft, breathable, and skin-friendly fabric. It features pads that help prevent chafing or marks on the legs and hands. At the same time, its breathable 100% cotton fabric prevents irritation and discomfort, even in hot climates.

optimal support
Breathable fabric and optimal support for the head, neck and spine keep baby comfortable throughout the ride.

Opt for safe options

Babywearing is becoming more and more common as, provided it’s done properly, it promotes the bond between the child and the adult and favors their correct development. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a type of carrier that’s ergonomic, safe, and comfortable.

Choosing the bonoch baby carrier will help your child throughout their life, contributing to the development of their movement and preventing them from having hip problems in the future. In addition, it offers practicality and comfort for the adult, promoting comfort for you and support for your baby.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.