How to Motivate Children Who Lose Interest in Learning

There are children who lose interest in learning due to a multitude of causes. These keys can help you motivate your child to learn.
How to Motivate Children Who Lose Interest in Learning

Last update: 05 August, 2021

Sometimes, parents feel worried because their children don’t want to do their homework, don’t pay attention in class and, in addition, have no interest in getting good grades. Therefore, we’re going to see some keys to motivate children who lose interest in learning.

Some children are apathetic and indifferent to everything having to do with their studies or school. They’re discouraged and have no interest in learning. Therefore, the most important thing we parents have to do is to motivate children. Motivation is the tool to make them enthusiastic about what they do. Let’s take a look at some keys to achieving this.

Why do some children lose interest in learning?

Motivation is what moves people to carry out certain actions and insist to achieve what we propose. There are different types of motivation, which are the following:

A preteen girl with her head on her school desk surrounded by crumpled up papers, looking bored.
  1. Intrinsic motivation: This is the type that leads the person to perform the actions by themselves, without any need for external stimulus. It’s done out of curiosity or pleasure.
  2. Extrinsic motivation: This motivation doesn’t come from the activity itself but rather from what we receive from it. The person is moved by external stimuli, such as money, a gift, points, approval, stickers, etc.
  3. Positive motivation: This is the type that leads us to perform a certain action and to be consistent to achieve it in order to obtain a positive reward, either external or intrinsic.
  4. Negative motivation: This is the type of motivation that motivates us to perform an action to avoid a negative or unpleasant consequence.

Keys to motivating children who lose interest in learning

Sometimes, the problem itself isn’t a lack of motivation in the child. This difficulty or loss of interest may be caused by a learning problem, a conflict with a teacher, problems with friends or classmates, etc. So, what can we do to prevent them from losing interest?

Program short to long term objectives

The goals we achieve are one of the most motivating elements. Therefore, if we set simple goals for young children that they’re capable of achieving in the short term, it’ll be more motivating for them. Parents can ask their children to do some tasks and let them see that they can achieve them. As they get older, we’ll encourage them to pursue longer-term goals.

Setting specific goals, one of the keys to motivating children

Goals need to be simple, specific, and concrete. This will help them achieve their goals and give them the motivation they need.

Teach a sense of competition, but don’t overdo it

Always in the right measure, a sense of competition produces motivation. Setting goals and trying to achieve them will teach the child that they can achieve anything they set their mind to.

Always use encouraging and positive language

Here, we’re not referring to praising their achievements, although that’s also valid. Rather, we’re talking about encouraging them and recognizing their efforts to achieve what they set out to do. And, once achieved, we’ll then praise their work.

More keys to motivate children who lose interest in learning

A child looking at a school book while with his head on his forehead, looking frustrated.

Show off their achievements

We can choose some of the work done in class that the child likes the most, and we can put it on the fridge or somewhere visible, to make them feel proud.

Talk about school to motivate children who lose interest in learning

We have to ask them questions and let them talk about their experience in class, tell us how they’ve been at school, what they’ve learned, who they play with, etc.

Be careful with expectations

Sometimes, parents put very high expectations on the child and this, in the end, is counterproductive because then they don’t want to do things for fear of failure.

Reinforce the learning style that best suits the child

Every child has a learning style; they learn best using different methods, whether it’s reading, repeating, writing. When you know what their style is, you can reinforce it so that they can develop their potential to the fullest.

In short, these are some keys to use with children who lose interest in learning. We’re sure that if you put them into practice, the motivation of your little ones will increase and they’ll feel convinced that they can achieve whatever they set out to do. Let’s put them into practice!


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.