6 Natural Remedies for Bad Smells in Your Intimate Area
It’s very common for girls to experience a bad smell in their intimate area at some time in their life. We know that this can be very uncomfortable. Therefore, here are a few natural remedies to combat the bad smells in your intimate area. You can use them to complement the treatment you’re already using for this condition.
Possible causes of bad smells in your intimate area
Vaginal odor is common during menstruation and may increase after sexual intercourse. Some women may also experience it as part of the sweating process and using products that cause irritation. Other common causes are:
- Improper or poor hygiene
- Infections caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria
- Cervical cancer
- Lesions in the vaginal rectum area, which helps spread feces to the vaginal area. Usually, you’ll experience burning, stinging, increased flow and irritation, among other symptoms.
To take care of proper hygiene, use neutral soap daily and follow a balanced diet. Then, if those changes don’t help, call your doctor to come up with a treatment plan.
Natural remedies against bad smells in your intimate area
Nature makes some of the best ingredients available to help treat multiple conditions without hurting your health. In fact, there are lots of natural remedies that you can use to fight bad smells in your intimate area:
Natural yogurt
Yogurt is one of the most complete foods that exist. Additionally, it’s rich in lactobacilli, bacteria that helps human health. These bacteria help regulate the pH of the vagina by boosting immunity against viruses, fungi and parasites that cause odor.
Take advantage of its benefits by eating it more often. In fact, some people say it works well by using it topically by soaking a cotton pad and inserting it into the vagina.
Garlic is a powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic that can help eliminate vaginal odor. To enjoy the benefits that this plant offers, you need to include it in your daily diet.
You can eat it on an empty stomach or use it in the food you make. If you prefer, you can make a paste and put it on your vagina for a few minutes. Then, remove it and wash generously.
Neem bark extract for your intimate area
Neem is an Indian plant that is known for its antibacterial properties. In fact, it’s very popular in natural remedies. Its qualities make it a powerful stimulant for your immune system, which helps you eliminate viruses and bacteria.
This is one of the excellent natural remedies to combat the bad smell of your intimate area that you can get in pills. Additionally, you can find it in whole food stores without a prescription.
Apple cider vinegar
Another alternative to naturally balance your vaginal pH is apple cider vinegar. Best of all, you can enjoy its benefits by consuming it or by using it topically.
If you choose to consume it, you can drink two tablespoons in diluted water, which will help you balance your body’s pH in general. If you opt for the topical treatment, dilute the apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your vagina with it. In fact, you’ll immediately feel relief.
Baking soda
People have always used baking soda to treat vaginal infections. This ingredient has the ability to alkalize the body, which makes it possible to eliminate fungi and bacteria.
You can enjoy its benefits through sitz baths by adding half a cup of this ingredient. Also, you can consume it every day.
Turmeric is another natural remedy to combat the bad smell in your intimate area. This root is common to treat all kinds of infections, including vaginal ones. To take advantage of its benefits, we recommend using it in meals and teas.
Therefore, there will always be a safe alternative to treat infections that cause unpleasant odors. You no longer need to feel uncomfortable because you can use ingredients from your kitchen to make this unpleasant symptom disappear. Remember, if the bad smell doesn’t go away, you should consult your doctor.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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