15 Products For Newborns that You Need

There are many products for newborns that you need from the time they're born. The best thing to do is to equip yourself beforehand.
15 Products For Newborns that You Need
Marcela Alejandra Caffulli

Reviewed and approved by the pediatrician Marcela Alejandra Caffulli.

Written by Yesibeth Rincón

Last update: 18 May, 2023

When you’re going to have a baby, you’re excited to buy the clothes, accessories, and other items that they’ll need for their proper care, from diapers to their crib. To go about this, it’s best to start by making a list of necessary products for newborns with the things you’re going to require. In this article, we’ll show you some of the items that can’t be missing from your list.

The best thing to do is to have the essential things bought before the birth of your little one, in case the delivery comes early. In addition, by getting organized ahead of time, you’ll be more rested and calm when the baby arrives. Here, we’ll suggest some items, but you can add many more, according to your taste, your budget, and your needs.

Discover the necessary products for newborns

We’ll show you a list of items that are essential for any newborn. This is a guide for you to start putting together their room and closet ahead of time.

1. Diapers

One of the products for newborns that are the most important and at the top of the list of essentials is diapers. You can choose between disposable or cloth diapers, although you can also buy both. Keep in mind that they should be sized for newborns or for babies from 6.5 to 11 pounds.

2. Wet wipes

Wet wipes will be your best weapon to make sure your child is always clean and perfumed, as they’ll use them every time you change their diaper. You can also use them to clean their hands or body in case they get dirty.

3. Formula

Although your priority is always to give breast milk to your baby, as it’s the best way to feed them and it will provide them with all the nutrients and minerals for their growth, it’s not a bad idea to have formula milk in case you need it. To find out which one is right for your child, you should consult your pediatrician.

A can of powdered baby formula surrounded by bottles, a pacifier, and a baby spoon.
Bottles and nipples will be essential for your baby if you don’t plan on exclusive breastfeeding or have difficulties doing so. Therefore, it’s better to have them from the beginning. In addition, it’s a good idea to buy formula in case it’s needed in certain circumstances.

4. Bottles and nipples

Bottles and nipples are indispensable for your baby. Therefore, it’s best to buy them before the baby is born. As we’ve already said, even if you want to breastfeed your baby yourself, you may need them at any time. In this regard, it’s best to have them on hand.

5. Care ket

A baby care kit usually includes a thermometer, nail clippers, round-tipped scissors, a comb and brush, among other items. However, you can also put one together yourself by buying each item separately. You can even add other things such as neutral soap, baby shampoo (that doesn’t irritate the eyes), moisturizer, bath gel, and perfume (without alcohol).

6. Medicine case

Having a newborn at home means being prepared with a medicine case in case they get sick. For that reason, have a pediatric antipyretic and antidiarrheal, as well as a solution for stomach colic, vomiting, and reflux. Remember that these should be in drops so that the baby can swallow them. Talk to your pediatrician regarding their recommendations for your little one.

Also, add to your kit a syringe to give the medicines, sterile gauze to clean snot, eyes, and the baby’s navel; swabs, saline solution, and 70% alcohol.

7. Onesies and pajamas

Among the necessary products for newborns, onesies and pajamas are a must. These should be made of cotton to make the baby feel comfortable and fresh. Clothes made with this fabric are the best for small children, as they take care of the skin and don’t produce any type of allergy. Apart from that, also buy some outfits for going out. Look for clothes that are cool and easy to put on and take off.

8. Hats, socks, and mittens

Children, when they’re born, need to be very well bundled up so they feel warm. That’s why it’s good for them to wear hats, as well as mittens and socks. Keep in mind that their hands and feet should be well covered. When you go shopping for clothes, don’t forget these three products to keep them warm.

9. Cotton or knit blanket

A blanket, either made of cotton or merino wool, will keep your newborn from getting cold and will keep them warm. Always keep one in their crib for when you put them to bed and another in their stroller bag. This way, you can bundle them up in when temperatures drop and you’re not at home.

10. Stroller bag

A stroller bag or diaper bag is a must among the items you should buy before your child gets home. This is where you’ll carry diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles, and everything you need when you leave home with your baby. The first place you’ll go with it will be to the hospital on the day of your little one’s birth, so make it one of the first things to buy.

11. Crib

Buying a crib makes parents very excited because it’s the main piece of furniture in the room and the most important. Your little one will sleep there and will spend their moments of rest and play there as well. There’s a wide variety of types, designs, and colors, but beyond aesthetics, make sure it is spacious, comfortable, and safe.

A crib and high chairs in a baby store.
High chairs are very useful for babies and can be converted to give them new uses and to take advantage of them when your little one is a little older.

12. High chair

You can find convertible high chairs on the market that are very practical. Their evolutionary designs allow you to use them from the time the baby is a newborn until they become a child. First, you can use it to put them to bed and put them to sleep. Then, you can transform it into a chair with feeding support for when they’re older. This type of item will adapt to your little one’s growth and changing needs.

13. Stroller

A stroller won’t only be useful for going out for walks, but also for putting your newborn child to bed while they get some fresh air in the yard or are exposed to the sun. Buy one that provides comfort and will work for you at any age, both while they’re little and when they’re a little older.

14. Bathtub

Giving your baby a bath is something that’s recommended all the time, even if they’re a newborn. Therefore, among the list of things to buy must be a bathtub. They come in different sizes, styles, and colors. Choose the one you like best. When you bathe your little one, do it with warm water so they can relax and then have a good rest.

15. Sterilizer

If there’s an implement that you’ll use frequently, it’s a sterilizer. This is used to disinfect bottles, nipples, and pacifiers (if you use them). This way, possible germs and bacteria are eliminated. For the sake of your baby’s health, it’s essential to sterilize all feeding utensils, whatever the age of your child.

Buy products for newborns according to your taste and needs

The list we’ve shown you contains all the essentials to welcome your baby, but as we mentioned, there are many more things to buy for newborns. The important thing is that what you buy is to your liking, that it meets your needs, and also fits your budget. The best thing to do is to buy little by little, during your pregnancy, everything you’ll need once you have your child in your arms.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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  • Caño-Armenteros P. Cuidados del recién nacido: higiene y aseo corporal. España: Universidad de Jaén: 2020. Disponible en: https://tauja.ujaen.es/handle/10953.1/13434
  • López-Candiani C. Cuidados del recién nacido saludable. Rev. Acta Pediátrica de México. 2014; 35 (6). Disponible en: https://ojs.actapediatrica.org.mx/index.php/APM/article/view/882
  • Lifshitz A. Mamá sana, bebé sano. Estados Unidos: Editorial 10 Puntos; 2006. Disponible en: https://books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=ditEzHmCjXMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA125&dq=c%C3%B3mo+cuidar+a+un+beb%C3%A9&ots=VZxGOygGrZ&sig=Rv4hRE1sKIERg_M-wGcELxvBXtk#v=onepage&q=c%C3%B3mo%20cuidar%20a%20un%20beb%C3%A9&f=false

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.