Low Fructose Recipes

Do your children have a fructose intolerance or do you know someone who does? Today, we'll show you some low fructose recipes that both you and your children will really enjoy.

Last update: 17 May, 2021

For the past ten years, the number of people who suffer from fructose intolerance has increased considerably. Most of the time, it’s due to poor absorption produced by an alteration in the gut microbiota. On other occasions, it happens because its transporter saturates after excessive consumption. This is why we’d like to show you some low fructose recipes suitable for both you and your children, to make your parenting life easier.

Low fructose recipes

Before we begin, we’d like to point out that all recipes contain 0.035 ounces of fructose, so your children will be able to tolerate them. In addition, we advise your children to eat these meals separately and not combine them with whole fruits

Oatmeal nut bars, a low fructose recipe to start the day with energy


  • 1 cup oatmeal.
  • 1/3 walnuts.
  • 2 spoons pumpkin seeds.
  • 3 spoons of peanut butter (no added sugar).
  • Cinnamon.
Oatmeal nut bars.


First of all, put the oatmeal, nuts, and seeds in a bowl. Then, add the cinnamon and the peanut butter. Next, mix everything until it’s fully combined, and use a spoon to place the mixture in separate molds. You can shape the bars using a spatula or a spoon.

Finally, let the bars settle in the fridge for at least two or three hours. You can also put them in the freezer for better consistency. Remove the bars from the molds right before eating them.

Quinoa, celery, carrots, and fresh cheese salad


  • 1/3 cup cooked quinoa.
  • Half a celery stalk.
  • 1 small carrot.
  • 1.4 ounces fresh cheese.
  • Virgin olive oil.
  • Salt to taste.
Quinoa salad.


First, wash the celery and the carrots with water and, if possible, with a diluted bleach solution. Then, cut the celery and the fresh cheese into small pieces. Next, cut the carrots into thin slices. Finally, combine all of the ingredients in a bowl, add the quinoa and the dressing.

More low fructose recipes

Pineapple, zucchini shrimps stir fry


  • 3/4 cup shrimps.
  • 1.4 ounces pineapple.
  • 1/3 cup zucchini.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt to taste.


First of all, wash the zucchini with water. Then, cut it into slices and leave it aside. Put some oil in a skillet and stir fry the zucchini. In the meantime, peel and cut the pineapple into small pieces. Next, add the pineapple to the skillet and combine it with the zucchini until the pineapple browns, and the zucchini is tender. Finally, add the shrimps and cook until they’re brown, too.

Ultimately, we recommend you to visit a nutritionist, so they can give healthy lifestyle guidance. In addition, you should also go to a psychologist to express the changes you felt during the process.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Salas-Salvadó, J.; Bonada Sanjaume, A.; Trallero Casañas, R., Engràcia Saló Solà, M. y Brugos Peláez, R. (2014). Intolerancia a la fructosa. Nutrición y dietética clínica. ElSevier.
  • Pérez Aisa, A y Riquelme, A. (n.d.). Intolerancia a la fructosa-sorbitol. AEGASTRO(Asociación Española de Gastroenterologia). [Consultado 14 agosto 2019] Disponible en: https://www.aegastro.es/sites/default/files/archivos/documento-grupo/intolerancia_fructosa_-_sorbitol_0.pdf   
  • FoodData Central. Base de datos del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA database). [Actualizado el 30 de octubre de 2019] Consultado el 15 de enero de 2020. Disponible en: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.