Thumb Author Leticia Martín Enjuto

Leticia Martín Enjuto


Psychologist by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. She has extensive training in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Neurohappiness Professional Work and General Health Psychology.

About the author

Graduated in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2019), she has a broad professional and academic background. She has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology, a Master in Forensic Psychology and a Master in General Health Psychology from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia.

She also has several postgraduate degrees in the field of Child, Adolescent and Adult and has a Diploma in Developmental and Learning Neuropsychology from the University Isep. She has made several scientific publications such as "The Role of the Psychologist in the National Center for Missing Persons", "Platform for Dissemination and Psychological Assistance to the Environment of Victims of Enforced Disappearances", all of them developed for the Pontifical University of Salamanca. She is also co-author of the saga "El Pluralismo En La Escuela Actual".

She is currently working in Valencia, both in face-to-face and online consultation. In addition, she is finishing her first book.