12 Prenatal Stimulation Exercises

12 Prenatal Stimulation Exercises
María José Roldán

Reviewed and approved by the psychopedagogue María José Roldán.

Last update: 30 September, 2022

Although it seems strange, children begin to learn before they are even born, if they have good stimulation. During the third trimester, when the baby’s nervous system has developed and is ready to function, it’s time for mothers to perform prenatal stimulation exercises.

This stimulation, in addition to developing the baby’s physical and emotional levels, also helps to develop an emotion bond with the parents. For these exercises to work, it is important that they are performed every day.

It’s also important not to exhaust the baby with excess. This prenatal stimulation activity will eventually become a normal daily routine.

In this article we will see what this stimulation consists of, what types there are and some exercises to do during the third trimester. Are you ready? Keep reading.

Types of Prenatal Stimulation

Motor stimulation

When the mother performs these exercises, it helps to develop the baby’s perception of space and movement thanks to the different positions of the mother.

Visual stimulation

These exercises stimulate the retina with the goal of adapting the baby to light. It prepares the child for the birth environment and also promotes his curiosity and attention.

Sensory stimulation

Touching your belly throughout the day is a way to physically reach out and communicate with your baby. You can do exercises using different ways of touching your belly, such as patting, stroking, rubbing or standing in the shower.

Auditory stimulation

One of the first senses a baby develops is hearing. That’s why it’s highly recommended to carry out exercises that develop this sense: listening to music, making different sounds, talking to the baby, etc.

Prenatal Stimulation Exercises

Rocking in a chair

Sit in a rocking chair and gently swing with a defined rhythm.

Swimming in the water

Go to the pool and float in the water while you gently move without getting submerged.

Dance alone or with your partner

Take some time each day to dance. Sometimes do soft movements and smooth turns, and other times dance with your partner, touching your tummy so your baby can feel Dad. You will be stimulating your baby at the motor and sensory levels.

Moving a flashlight

Focus a flashlight on the belly and move it so the little one can follow the light.

Take advantage of nice weather

When it is sunny, take advantage of it and sunbathe for 5 minutes with your belly uncovered. This way the natural light will reach your child.

Pet your tummy

Use the palm of your hand to gently pet your tummy.

Massage with creams

Take advantage of your moisturizing routine to stimulate your baby. Make circular movements on your belly to massage the cream.

Touch with your fingertips

Make short touches with the tips of your fingers in different places on your belly.

Play with your baby

Gently press the same area where your baby has kicked.

Listen to music

Always do it at an appropriate volume. This will make a connection between the baby and the outside world. Depending on the type of music, the tempo and speed, the baby can feel relaxed or agitated. Listening to instrumental music is recommended.

Talk with your baby

You and your partner should communicate with your baby as if he or she is already out of the womb. Speak as if your baby were already there with you, and sing to him or her. The father can also speak to the baby, thus allowing him or her to recognize voices and promoting the bond between parent and child.

Listen to sounds from outside

These sounds prepare the baby for life after birth. The sounds are from your daily life and lifestyle, such as when you cook, go for a walk, hear cars on the street, etc. This will make your baby familiar with the sounds that await him after birth.

Studies have concluded that parents involved in the prenatal stimulation of their babies have a much stronger and deeper bond with their children. So take the time you need to stimulate and communicate with your little one during pregnancy. It will be worth it.



All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.