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Maria Elisa Lisotti Luppi


A physiotherapist specialized in kinesiology and obstetric physiotherapy. She has extensive experience as a doula, both at the level of academic training and practice. She has worked with a variety of obstetric kinesiology institutions, although she also offers her services in her private practice. She has more than 9 years of experience in this area, one that she also complements with dissemination.

About the author

Graduated in Kinesiology and Physiotherapy at the National University of Córdoba (2013). She has been trained at a theoretical level as a doula through a series of courses and programs. Among them, the course in Preparation for Maternity by the Arobics Center (2008) Affective Childbirth Companion for her alma mater (2010), Spherokinesis for Pregnancy (2013), and Vestibular Rehabilitation and Alteration of balance (2021) stand out. She has also specialized in physiotherapy and obstetric kinesiology.

She collaborated with the Comprehensive Preparation for Maternity program at the Misericordia Nuevo Siglo Hospital. She also worked as a teacher of pre and postpartum classes at Vitalis Salud Mujer, at Fisiokinesic, and at the Cholila Rural Hospital. Since 2014, she has offered her services in a private practice for trauma rehabilitation, general and prenatal hydrotherapy, perinatal work, and giving courses and talks on maternity and pregnancy.

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