Thumb Author Pedro González Núñez

Pedro González Núñez

Child educator

Audiovisual communicator and specialist in early childhood education. Although he worked for a time as an educator, he currently works as an editor and writer. He has a long history as a contributor to a variety of digital media and has authored a dozen fiction books.

About the author

Has a Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the European University of Madrid (1999). Qualified as a Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education at CEAC (2013).

He has worked as a child educator and monitor at CPEP La Caracola and at the CPEP Summer School. He has extensive experience as a freelance writer specializing in a variety of topics. Among many other media outlets, he has written for Animaciones Infantiles Aeiou, VContenidos, RM Canales Interactivos SL, Nimúu Cultural, Blasting News, Procurador Lorca, InboundCycle, Agencia Roiting, Sanitaspromosalud and Zinkers. In addition to writing, he was also a community manager, style corrector, and head of communication in some of the projects mentioned.

He is the author of a variety of fiction books. Among them are In the Cave of Kur (2014), The Flood Stone (2016), The Ebony Cathedral (2020), Henchman (2021), and The Planet That Was Forced to Grow Up into the Clouds (2021).