4 Activities to do at Home as a Family

In this article, we propose four activities to do at home as a family. These activities are fun and will help you to enjoy quality time together.
4 Activities to do at Home as a Family

Last update: 29 May, 2021

In order to spend our free time productively and with our loved ones, whether it’s to learn something new or to improve a skill, we’ve proposed some activities to do at home as a family. These activities can be useful and a lot of fun .

When we’re at home and we have free time

Besides the fact that you also have to cope with chores and help your children with their homework, free time is that period in which there are no obligations. Thus, we can dedicate it to having fun and relaxing . Leisure is essential and we must seize the opportunity when we have time for it.

It’s also important to devote part of our free time to doing activities with our family and spending quality time together having fun. Why not learn something new as well?

Painting together can be fun.

Doing fun and entertaining activities is a good way to spend quality time with your family . It’s an opportunity to give ourselves a break and to make up for lost time to be with the people we love. We don’t have this free time on a daily basis due to the hectic and fast-paced life that we’re used to leading.

Four activities to do at home as a family

We propose the following four activities to do at home as a family to enjoy quality time together.

Painting mandalas

It’s a very fun activity but, above all, it’s extremely relaxing . You just need some pretty mandalas (they can be downloaded online and printed) and some colored pencils and markers. This way, the whole family can sit quietly at a table, sharing a few hours of the day painting and combining colors, as well as talking.

Becoming a family of chefs, a fun activity to do at home as a family

Whether it’s for lunch, dinner, or some silly afternoon when you feel like making a good cake, cooking can be a great activity to share with the family. Thus, all members can participate in the preparation of a recipe . Beforehand, everyone can vote for the recipe they wish to cook (sweet or salty) and divide the tasks during its preparation.

Sports and exercises: activities to do at home

On days when all the family members are at home, you can set a specific time to practice sports . The decision to exercise together as a family is a good option because you can all encourage each other in order to not lose motivation. 

Additionally, you can find infinite platforms online in which professionals and specialists in sports and fitness give classes . You’ll find videos and tutorials of all kinds of exercises (aerobics, yoga , cardio HIIT, functional exercises, or exercises with your own bodyweight), along with instructions on how to perform the movements correctly.

Activities to do at home: concentration time

Another interesting option is to propose an activity where the main objective is to learn something new. Hence, each member of the family can alternatively propose a topic or concept to read about and do some research on , such as how dinosaurs became extinct.

You can also review and reinforce your Spanish; the novices can learn basic concepts and expressions. Other options include learning something new about geography, discovering the capitals of countries around the world, and recognizing where the monuments of our world heritage are. There are many options!

Exercising together can be very beneficial.

One last activity to do at home as a family: stop!

Although we said at the beginning that we’d share four home activities to do as a family, we want to share a fifth with you.

It’s about a game that’s not only super fun, but also one with which we can learn a lot about general culture: geography, cinema, grammar, flora, and fauna. We’re also going to sharpen our memories and mental speed. Not only will we learn a new vocabulary, but we’ll remember forgotten concepts and learn from others.

We’re talking about stop ; a paper and pencil game in which participants must write words that begin with the same letter (vowel or consonant), chosen at random.

To do this, everyone must draw a table with rows and columns and write categories at the top row chosen by common agreement; such as names, counties or capitals, fruits and vegetables, movies, or verbs. In the first column, you’ll write down the letters that you choose, and the scores that you get will go on the last column to the right.

The participant who manages to complete the row with all the words that begin with the chosen letter shouts, “Stop” and wins that round. The idea is for everyone to share and review with the rest of the group what words they chose for each category. After that, you choose another letter and start a new, fun, and didactic round.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.