8 Benefits of Jump Roping for Children

For children, jump roping offers many benefits, and not only in the present. In fact, children who jump rope enjoy better health as adults. They'll be more fit and more capable of achieving their goals.
8 Benefits of Jump Roping for Children

Last update: 18 August, 2019

There are many games that children can play in order to have fun and share with peers. However, not all of these activities provide the same benefits. Some are fun and at the same time boost physical discipline – such as jump roping.

In today’s article, you’ll see the enormous benefits that jump roping offers children. We’re sure it’s an activity that your whole family will be able to enjoy.

What are the benefits of jump roping for children

Besides being a means of athletic training for kids, jump roping offers at least 8 other benefits. In fact, it’s considered one of the most complete forms of exercise.

8 Benefits of Jump Roping for Children

1. Increased resistance and flexibility

2. Feelings of personal achievement

Learning to be consistent and make an effort to achieve their goals are things that all children need to learn for the professional future. A great way to acquire those habits is through jump roping.

By playing with other children, they’ll likely challenge one another to see who can resist the longest. As they overcome new challenges, children will feel a sense of satisfaction and pride. And if they aren’t successful right away, they’ll keep trying.

3. Releasing adrenaline

Jumping rope involves many consecutive and quick jumps. By practicing this type of exercise, which requires a great deal of physical effort, children release adrenaline. This is one of the most important benefits of jump roping for children.

What’s more, they’ll also be releasing toxins at the same time that they get rid of accumulated stress.

4. A very complete sport

Another one of the greatest benefits of jump roping is that children put a large number of muscles to work. Jump roping involves everything from their legs to their abdomen to their arms, all moving at the same time. Furthermore, it contributes to healthy knee joints.

5. Improved coordination

Through this type of exercise, children improve their psychomotricity and coordination. This is because it involves constant movement of arms and legs. By combining these movements without getting confused, kids learn to carry out several tasks at the same time.

6. Increased balance and reflexes

In order to jump rope, children need more than just strength and consistency. They also need to calculate how many jumps to make, how often, and at what pace.

They must sharpen their reflexes and spatial vision in order to observe the rope and know just when to jump. Children also improve their balance, since they must avoid tripping over the rope when they jump.

7. Staying in great physical shape

8 Benefits of Jump Roping for Children

If your children practice jump rope, they’ll achieve excellent physical fitness. By burning a high quantity of calories, they’ll lower their body fat and increase muscle tone. This will provide them with better health, higher self-esteem and also help to prevent bullying at school.

8. A great way to have fun

It’s also a great activity to enjoy as a family, offering you the opportunity to dedicate quality time to your loved ones.

Tips on jump roping activities

When it comes to jump roping with others, there are a lot of rules to follow. All you need are at least three players and one or two ropes. Below is one of the most popular variations:

  • Two children hold on to the rope (or ropes), one at each end, and sing a song. The rest of the participants form a circle as they await their chance to jump, and meanwhile join in the singing.
  • Once the rope starts to turn, a player must continue jumping until the song is over. Then, the following players will do the same. However, children can also introduce variations. For example, more than one child can jump at a time. This makes the level of difficulty even higher.
  • Another way to play is individually, which requires a shorter rope. The player holds onto the ends of the rope and uses his or her hands to spin the rope. The objective is the same: Jumping as many times as possible without tripping on the cord.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to jump roping for children. And best of all, it’s something that children can enjoy on their own, with friends, and with their family .

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.