How To Calm A Newborn Who Won't Stop Crying

How To Calm A Newborn Who Won't Stop Crying

Last update: 14 December, 2017

If your newborn baby has been fed, has rested, is not sick, and still won’t stop crying, you might be interested in reading a few recommendations we have for you.

For a first-time mom, calming a crying baby can be quite a challenge. Newborns don’t have the ability to express what they feel or need, much less put it into words.

You might think that you have tried everything. Babies can cry because they need their diaper changed, because they are too hot, have colic, are hungry or tired.

For moms, a baby who won’t stop crying can be cause for frustration, stress and worry. If you feel like you really have tried everything, here are a few recommendations to calm your little one down and stop the tears.

If this behavior is recurrent, however, make sure to discuss it with your baby’s pediatrician.

Tips for calming a baby who won’t stop crying

tips for calming down a newborn who won't stop crying

Newborn babies are more predictable than they might seem. Their needs are often connected to the comfort they enjoyed in the womb, before birth. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to recreate these conditions in the outside world.

With this in mind, here are some things that can help with calming a crying baby:

  • Stay calm and serene. This is key when your baby cries, whether or not there is an immediate reason for their tears.
  • Remember to console your child to try to reduce their irritability.
  • Hold your baby gently but firmly to your chest. This will warm them up if they are cold, and help them feel safe and cared for.
  • Use a blanket to swaddle them. Newborns need temperatures and environments similar to those of the womb. This can help them to feel snug and cozy like they did before birth.
  • Let them suck their thumb, or a pacifier. Even if your baby is not hungry, the suckling action can stabilize their heart rate and calm their nerves.
  • Give them a gentle massage. Constant physical contact is soothing and a relaxing massage should calm your baby down. A good technique is to use soft, slow circular movements. Treat areas such as their back, abdomen, arms and legs with extra care. If your baby suffers from colic, focus on their belly.
  • When babies are in the womb, they grow accustomed to the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. This is one of the reasons why they feel so comfortable being held against our chest. You can add in gentle background music for an added calming effect.
  • Walking with your baby in your arms can be an excellent idea. The gentle movements of your body will help to soothe your baby’s tears.
  • Another trick that uses movement to help calm a newborn is to take a walk with them in their stroller or pram.
  • A walk outside can do you both good: a little fresh air and sunshine and a change of scenery do wonders for calming a crying baby.

How to deal with your baby crying

It can be incredibly stressful when your baby cries and you don’t know why. But bear in mind that your child perceives how you feel. Try not to show nerves or impatience; this can be completely counterproductive.

Tiredness can affect your emotional stability. You will be better able to deal with these types of situation when you’ve managed to get a few hours’ sleep.

Getting help from your partner or another family member will help relieve your stress.

More advice for you

parenting tips when your baby won't stop crying

What if you have tried everything and your baby still won’t stop crying? If you are feeling more and more stressed and frustrated, put your baby in the crib, let them cry a little and give yourself a moment to calm down.

  • Call a close friend or family member who can help you.
  • Watch television or listen to music to relieve your stress.
  • Use breathing techniques: taking several deep breaths will make you feel better.

Remember that crying will not hurt your baby, and sometimes it can even help them strengthen their lungs. Crying from time to time releases tension and helps them sleep deeply, tired out after all the exertion.

So, if you’ve tried everything you can, just give your baby time to calm down.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.