Correct Your Child Now or Regret It Later
Raising a child is a complex process, as a large number of important rules have to be agreed upon. It’s essential for children that parents teach them indispensable values from an early age, as well as guide them in each of their decisions and protect their well-being. Because of this, it’s of vital importance that you intervene early on in childhood when it comes to bad behaviors, as this prevents children from normalizing them and getting used to ignoring any instruction. In short, correct your child now or regret it later.
Undoubtedly, this situation isn’t at all simple because when children don’t like a rule, it can trigger a tantrum. However, it’s necessary to do this so that they understand why what they’re doing is wrong and learn how to behave.
Despite this, many parents decide not to correct their children because they think they might hurt them. But instead of doing them any good, they get the opposite results, as they don’t pass on to them the necessary tools they need to manage their emotions and learn to live in society.
It’s necessary that you correct your child from an early age so that they grow up as a responsible person and are happier every day. Of course, this process must be carried out with a calm and loving dialogue so that the child doesn’t feel attacked.
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Why it’s important to correct your child
Corrections allow children to understand the actions that harm their relationships with other people. In this way, it becomes clear to them that in order to build healthy social bonds, it’s essential that they respect, tolerate, and feel empathy.
Likewise, they understand that in all environments there are limits established to protect the well-being of each individual. As a result, they don’t become used to having the intention of humiliating others and always wanting their wishes to be fulfilled.
When you correct your child, you also indicate to your child which acts will sooner or later disturb their own well-being. This way, you provide the necessary foundations to protect their emotional health in the future.
In addition to this, children are made aware that there’s always an authority that must be obeyed. This prevents them from developing an arrogant, rebellious, and overbearing attitude.
Correcting allows children to decipher over time what good and bad mean in their environment. As a result of this fact, they’re able to choose the paths that guarantee their fulfillment and that of the people they interact with.
Finally, correcting children lets them know that at every stage of their lives, they must take on obligations. This way, they’re taught the importance of being self-sufficient, of having a clear life project, and of finding the appropriate ways to advance towards their goals.
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Convey ideas firmly, but without insults
In order to correct your child effectively, it’s essential that you communicate ideas with patience and without resorting to shouting. Otherwise, the child will be afraid and won’t be able to clearly understand why what they’re doing is wrong.
Parents must be firm in their decisions so that the child isn’t left with the doubt of whether their actions were right or wrong. In addition, this aspect is the one that allows a consensus to be reached that benefits both parties.
Finally, if corrections are made through healthy communication, the child will learn to understand that their parents only want what’s good for them. For, in those talks, parents explain to them exactly harmful outcomes they want to preserve them from.
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- Romagnoli, C., Morales, F. & Kuzmanic, V. (2015). Para lograr una buena comunicación con los hijos. Ficha VALORAS actualizada de la 1ª Edición año 2006. Disponible en: