How to Choose Your Children's Summer Shoes
Summer is coming and you have to buy new shoes for the kids but you don’t know how to choose the best shoes for your children for this season. Don’t worry! Below, we’ll give you all the information so you know exactly what to take into account when buying summer shoes to make sure your children’s feet are comfortable and healthy, despite the heat. Take note!
Summer shoes: What features should you look for?
Footwear has the function of protecting the feet from environmental factors and thus avoiding injuries. Therefore, when choosing your children’s summer s hoes, consider the following characteristics.
The manufacturing material
Footwear must be made of breathable fabric in all its parts: Body, insole, and interior. In the case of sneakers, it’s advisable to avoid synthetic material and prefer cotton or technical fabrics. Especially those designed to keep the skin dry and free of moisture and bad odors.
Thermal comfort
The design and material must offer the child’s foot protection from the high summer temperatures, in order to avoid excessive sweating and injuries.
Non-slip soles
Summer is the time for swimming pools and the beach, so children are constantly stepping on wet ground. To avoid falls, slips, and unfortunate events, it’s best to look for shoes with a good grip on the floor. If the sole is also thick, it guarantees extra cushioning and greater comfort.
The flexibility of footwear
Flexibility ensures that walking effort is normal and that little ones develop stepping movements naturally, without forcing any structure of their feet.
Adjustable designs
Whether open or closed models, they have to fit snugly to the feet. This can be achieved with Velcro, laces, buckles, or any accessory you prefer.
In the summer, children love to take off their shoes and go barefoot. Therefore, look for models that are easy to take off and put on again so that the little ones can manage freely.
The right size
Choosing the right size of footwear is essential for children’s feet to be comfortable and also to avoid chafing and blisters that can hurt the skin.
“Footwear has to fit the shape of the foot and not the other way around. The selection of the right size will ensure to a great extent the success of the footwear.”
-Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia.
Children’s summer shoes that you can’t miss
Now that you know how to choose your children’s shoes for the summer, it’s your turn to know which are the most practical for hot days:
- Canvas footwear: This is ideal for its level of breathability and flexibility. With these shoes, little ones will never suffer from heat in their feet and will be able to walk, jump, and run with total security in their footsteps. They’re perfect to go for a walk, to an amusement park, or even to an informal event.
- Sneakers: If your child also plays sports in summer, it’s essential that they wear appropriate footwear according to the activity. Make sure that the fabric used is lighter than winter sneakers and that, even if it’s hot, they always wear socks that absorb perspiration.
- Sandals: Freshness is the main characteristic of this type of footwear with an open design that adjusts to children’s feet. There are leather and rubber models with buckle or hook-and-loop fasteners. Depending on the material used, children can wear them to an elegant party, to go to the beach, or for a stroll around town.
- Cloth flats: These are very fresh shoes made of natural fabrics, such as linen or leather. They bring a touch of elegance, so they’re great for celebrations.
- Water shoes: For the pool and the beach, this is the most practical and safe model, especially if you choose designs with zippers.
Choosing your children’s summer shoes every year!
It’s common with children’s shoes to make the mistake of using inherited shoes or trying to reuse them from one summer to the next. Needless to say, this is almost impossible, because the development of the feet is constant and the changes from one year to the next are radical.
According to an article published by the National Institute of Pediatrics of Mexico, the evolution is as follows:
“Until the age of three years, the length of the foot increases 2 mm per month. Between the ages of three and five years, the length increases 1 mm per month. In the period between two and twelve years of age the increase in length is 0.8 to 1 cm per year. Most girls reach their final length at the age of 12-13 years and boys two years later.”
Be prepared every summer with the right shoes for your child! This way, you’ll gain health and safety for these wonderful days of rest and enjoyment with your family.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (2020) Guía para el asesoramiento de la elección del calzado infantil. Disponible en:
- Kids Health (s.f.) [Internet] Porqué te huelen los pies? Nemours Foundation, Disponible en:
- Reyes-Cadena, A. (2018) Calzado en la edad pediátrica. Acta Pediátrica de México. Instituto Nacional de Pediatría. Disponible en: