6 Tips to Help Your Teens with Their Final Exams

The end of a course is one of the most stressful times for students. For parents, there are many things you can do to help them. Your job is to motivate your children so they can do their best on their final exams.
6 Tips to Help Your Teens with Their Final Exams

Last update: 22 June, 2019

There are many ways that parents can help their teenagers prepare for their final exams. Below you’ll find some very useful tips.

Adolescence is one of the most complicated stages that people go through during their development. This is because of the multiple changes they experience.

These psychological and physiological transformations directly influence students’ behavior. Of course, it also affects their performance on final exams.

It can be complicated for parents to help when their adolescents are in school. However, it’s important to help them get through this stage in the best way possible. This is especially true when it’s time for final exams – you need to help motivate your teens to achieve their goals.

Talk to your children about their school commitments

At the beginning of the school year, it’s important for your teens to know what their obligations will be. They also need to understand the importance of fulfilling them. In addition, it’s a good idea for them to know the purpose of different exams throughout the year.

Another important point is to teach students to be responsible for their actions and accept the consequences. We should also explain that the objective of learning and passing exams is motivated by achieving personal progress, not just because parents or teachers demand it.

6 Tips to Help Your Teens with Their Final Exams

Go to class regularly

Regular attendance should be mandatory, and it’s important to enforce it for teens to learn habits of responsibility, organization and perseverance. These values will accompany teens throughout their lives. In addition, they’ll help students achieve the goals they set out for.

However, teens may refuse to go to class because of bullying, problems with teachers or conflicts with friends. 

Talking to your children is vital to find out what’s happening. This way, you can help them solve their problem so they can go back to their usual activities.

Keep in contact with teachers

It’s good to occasionally meet with your children’s teachers to make sure they’re performing well in class. It’s necessary to keep in contact with teachers and academic tutors. This way, it’s possible to work as a team and reinforce what you need to help them pass the final exams.

Concern for their responsibilities

“Talking to your children is vital to find out what’s happening. This way, you can help them solve the problem so they can go back to their usual activities.”

When teens know that their parents are concerned about their studies and support them to be successful, they’ll take their academics more seriously.

Also, when there’s a lot to study, you can help your children review, offer study techniques and teach them ways to get organized and make the most of their time. 

You always have to remind your children how important it is to be organized and study every day. That way, they won’t have to do everything at the last minute.

Follow a routine

It’s important for teens to rest before going to class or taking final exams. Rest is just as important as the time they spend studying. 

We recommend sleeping approximately 8 hours a night. This will help them be more attentive to retain what they’re learning at school and perform well on tests.

In fact, lack of sleep is directly related to decreased attention and concentration.

6 Tips to Help Your Teens with Their Final Exams

Avoid being anxious before final exams

Your teens’ final exams can bring stress and anxiety. This is because they feel pressure from their parents and are afraid of failing.

When faced with an important test, make sure to remind your children that it’s important to try their best to reach their goals. However, mention that sometimes things go wrong, no matter how hard you try.

Help your children correct their mistakes, but always emphasize that failures are part of learning. 

In turn, you must support your children to help them overcome obstacles. Therefore, it’s important to teach them perseverance, both for short-term and long-term goals.

Finally, remember the importance of positive reinforcement, and that severe punishments don’t solve problems. Motivational techniques are much more effective.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.