7 Reasons to Learn English During Childhood
In the following article, we’ll address the importance of learning English during childhood. We’ve all heard the importance of learning a language other than our mother tongue. Job opportunities, developmental benefits, and the ability to interact with other cultures allow us to expand our vision of the world to have a much broader understanding.
We live in a globalized society that, thanks to technological advances and the media, points to the interconnection of a way of life that decades ago we would never have imagined. That ’ s why it ’ s essential to maintain certain skills to be part of this revolutionary process in which even work, at least as we knew it, is changing.
The world now has a global consciousness
In this new world scheme, English has been crowned as a global, widespread and useful language to be part of the new reform. Surely, as a parent, you’ve found yourself needing to understand the new jargon and terms coming from this language.
Competition now becomes more demanding and, despite having many learning tools at our disposal, many regret not having started these studies with a private English teacher at an early age.
If you want to prepare your child for this scenario and receive all the benefits of learning a new language, we ’ll summarize all the reasons to learn English during childhood .
1 – Learning English during childhood d evelops memory and other cognitive abilities
Neuroscientist Sandra Jurado (Madrid, 1977), researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience of Alicante CSIC-UMH, says that the brain never rests. It constantly receives information to create connections and help us remember something. “It reinforces and eliminates, builds and destroys: This is how our memory is shaped”.
This plasticity of the brain is heightened during childhood, especially in the first 7 years. In this phase, children learn their mother tongue based on experience and imitation. Therefore, starting English studies at this age allows children to increase development and help the brain to maintain its plasticity over time.
2 – Improves problem-solving skills
When studying a new language, children will encounter certain problems. An unfamiliar word, an expression, different contexts, these situations will force your child to solve problems in order to communicate correctly.
In The relationship between bilingualism and the development of cognitive processing problem solving (1998), researcher Majumder Bialystok concluded that children who learn two languages have better control of difficult situations, which helps them to solve problems in general.
3 – Increases socialization skills
By exposing your child to taking English lessons and then putting them into practice, you force them to put more focus on their language and forms of expression. This need in turn develops their empathy and their ability to connect with other people, making them much more expressive.
4 – Improve s vocabulary and diction
Thanks to the development of a second language at the imitation learning stage, your child will improve their linguistic ability and will be able to speak several languages perfectly without an accent while maintaining correct pronunciation.
5 – Improves assertive communication
By learning English as a second language from childhood, we have access to a wider world of vocabulary that allows us to better understand and convey our thoughts. This’s why, in the long run, it helps us to better manage our emotions and develop emotional intelligence.
6 – Increased concentration and multitasking capabilities
When we learn a language from childhood, we acquire a better ability to concentrate in order to systematize and separate different languages.
This ability to understand two different languages at the same time helps us to handle several tasks at the same time. It even helps children to improve their performance at school.
7 – Increases reading comprehension
By broadening the language through Tips for Raising Bilingual Children, one acquires a better comprehension capacity that helps to deeply understand texts and improves their analysis. In addition, thanks to this, it’s possible to improve writing and deepen the forms of narrative expression.
As you can see, one of the best benefits of the English language is the development of communication skills.
Currently, in many schools, English is offered as a subject in the academic curriculum. However, in some cas es , it can become too basic, so children don’t receive the immersive language experience that would allow them to abstract it properly.
To better your child’s experience, there are also personalized classes that will be able to perfect and address your child’s concerns. A private English teacher could help them improve and practice English so that it becomes part of their language.
Thanks to this, they’ll be able to obtain the greatest advantage when learning the language: A bilingual mind and not a mind that translates into English , which is what occurs when we try to learn it at an advanced age.
So, let’s go!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Muñoz García, A. (2010) Psicología del desarrollo en la etapa de educación infantil. Editorial: Pirámide
- Cenoz, J. (2003, March). El aprendizaje del inglés desde educación infantil: efectos cognitivos, lingüísticos y afectivos. In EDULING Revista-Forum sobre plurilingüismo y educación (Vol. 1, pp. 1-11). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jasone_Cenoz/publication/251968889_EL_APRENDIZAJE_DEL_INGLES_DESDE_EDUCACION_INFANTIL_EFECTOS_COGNITIVOS_LINGUISTICOS_Y_AFECTIVOS/links/5712551b08aeff315ba0d2ef/EL-APRENDIZAJE-DEL-INGLES-DESDE-EDUCACION-INFANTIL-EFECTOS-COGNITIVOS-LINGUeISTICOS-Y-AFECTIVOS.pdf
- Diez, V. Á. (2010). El inglés mejor a edades tempranas. Pedagogía magna, (5), 251-256.