Good Habits that Can Favor Conception

Good Habits that Can Favor Conception

Last update: 08 August, 2018

There are good habits that can favor conception, as well as bad ones that can hinder it. Fertility is closely related to lifestyle. In fact, many fully functional people have difficulty conceiving simply because of unhealthy habits.

A healthy lifestyle is the best antidote for any disease. It’s also the best way to ensure that our reproductive system is working perfectly. The key to well-being in this area lies in our habits.

Habits that can favor conception have to do with food, physical activity and the avoidance of certain substances. It’s worth mentioning that these habits not only help to conceive, but also improve the quality of the pregnancy.

Food, a key factor

A healthy diet is one full of vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. These elements are particularly effective in the area of reproductive health. Experts recommend that we  maintain a high intake of fruits and vegetablesThese foods must be in our daily diet. Oily fish and nuts are also recommended.

Foods rich in omega-3, vitamins and antioxidants should not be missing from the diet of someone who is trying to conceive.

A healthy diet favors conception

Exercise, a habit that can favor conception

Being overweight directly affects fertility. Likewise, it can cause serious problems during pregnancy. Obesity brings with it many associated ills, and that is why you should do everything to avoid it, especially when you’re planning a pregnancy.

The best way to combat being overweight is with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The latter is one of the habits that really can favor conception. It not only prevents obesity, but also keeps the whole body in good condition. It’s a highly recommended habit, whatever our situation.

Regular checkups

Another good habit that can favor conception is to have regular checkups with your doctor. By doing this, they’ll be able to detect any problem or anomaly in time. A gynecologist or urologist will often be able to detect any potential problems in just a simple routine examination.

Going to the doctor periodically shows that we’re concerned about our health, and is a good habit that often saves lives. If health problems are caught in time, then any operations or surgical procedures that may be necessary will also be more effective, and less complicated.

Keep an eye on medication

Many medications can influence fertility adversely. When a person has to take medication regularly, he should be aware of what he is taking. Some components in these medications may limit their reproductive capacity.

The most advisable thing is to ask the doctor to give you advice on these matters. When a medicine is prescribed, the doctor is obliged to tell you about any potential side effects. Wherever possible, always replace stronger medication with other less aggressive alternatives.

Controlling stress

Medical research has shown us that there is a link between stress and hundreds of illnesses and health issues. In some of them it has a direct effect, and this is the case in high blood pressure or gastritis. In other cases, the incidences are less visible, but equally dangerous.

Ideally we should be able to live our lives free of stress. If this is impossible, due to working conditions or other factors, then we should try to limit its effects. We recommend relaxation techniques, which are usually of great benefit. The same goes for sports, which provide great physical and mental benefits.

Woman practicing relaxation

Avoid certain substances

Another good habit that favors conception is to avoid taking certain substances. Here we’re mainly talking about tobacco and alcohol. Several investigations have been able to determine the negative effects of these substances on reproductive health.

Tobacco decreases the quality of female eggs, and also affects the production of sperm. Smoking also has a very negative effect on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. It is, without a doubt, a very harmful substance, and you simply must say “no” to it!

Something similar happens in the case of alcohol. An excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages affects the ability to conceive. It’s also known to increase the risk of a miscarriage and decrease fertility in women. It may also cause congenital malformations and decrease sperm motility. It is, however, acceptable to consume small amounts occasionally.

We hope this article has been helpful to you if you’re currently trying to conceive and we wish you success!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.