Early Nutrition: What to Avoid Before Age Two

For parents, it's very important to ensure that your children receive optimal early nutrition. To help you avoid making mistakes, this list will help you know what not to feed them before they turn two.
Early Nutrition: What to Avoid Before Age Two

Last update: 30 July, 2019

One issue of particular concern to parents is the proper early nutrition of their children. Therefore, it’s highly important that they know what foods to avoid according to their children’s ages.

Before age two, doctors and pediatricians recommend avoiding foods that present choking hazards or cause allergies. There are certain foods you should be careful with and try not to include in a child’s diet. In certain cases, they need to be mashed or cut properly before the child eats them.

Regarding allergies, children are more likely to develop them if one of their parents or a close relative suffers from allergies or related conditions, such as eczema or asthma.

Below you’ll find a list of the foods that shouldn’t be part of a child’s early nutrition plan before age two.

Early nutrition: what not to feed your child before age two


This is one of the most dangerous foods to feed your children. Nuts can cause allergies and are also difficult to swallow. The best thing to do is to introduce them little by little to see how the child’s body reacts.

We also have to be aware that they can cause choking if not properly chewed.

Blue fish

Fish are one of the most controversial foods. On the one hand, it provides nutritional benefits. On the other, it can contain high mercury content, which makes it another food to avoid before your child turns two.

Early Nutrition: What to Avoid Before Age Two


Sausages usually have a high salt content. For this reason, they can cause cardiovascular problems. It isn’t a recommended food for small children.

Mass-produced baked goods

This kind of food can lead to an increase in bad cholesterol. It may also contribute to childhood obesity. It’s ideal to eliminate mass-produced baked goods from breakfast and snacks until the child turns two.

Drinks with caffeine

Other forbidden items in terms of early nutrition include sodas, coffee and tea, since they’re bad for the child’s heart. In addition, consuming these types of drinks can create a dependence on caffeine.

“Before age two, doctors and pediatricians recommend avoiding foods that present choking hazards or cause allergies.”

Skim and partly skimmed milk

Early nutrition specialists discourage the consumption of skim or partly skimmed milk. Children are growing and need lactose – the fat contained in milk – to grow healthily, developing normal brain function and strong bones.

Early on, children usually dislike cow’s milk because it has a different taste from breastmilk or formula. If this is the case, you can start by mixing breastmilk with whole cow’s milk so that your children can gradually adapt until they drink only cow’s milk.

Candy and sweets

Sweets can affect children’s health, especially their teeth. An excess of sugar in their diet can cause cavities and other oral health problems. In addition, they can also cause choking.

Another suggestion to avoid choking hazards is to avoid feeding children right before they engage in playing, running, or walking. When the body is in motion, it’s more difficult to chew and swallow correctly.

Meanwhile, it’s also a good idea to avoid ball-shaped lollipops, since the candy can come loose from the stick and get stuck in their throat. In addition, children can also choke or hurt themselves if they have one of these while running.

If a child begins to choke, follow the steps to properly perform the Heimlich Manuever, recommended and used by the Red Cross. Of course, immediate medical attention will also be essential.

Early Nutrition: What to Avoid Before Age Two


Honey merits its own paragraph. This unpasteurized food can transmit botulism, a serious disease that affects the nervous system. Babies are more susceptible to it because their intestines aren’t prepared to prevent the development of the spores that produce it.

In addition to the aforementioned foods, popcorn, hard candies, hot dogs, raw fruits and vegetables and fruits with pits, and hard fruits are also to be avoided.

This is because they present choking and asphyxiation hazards. Finally, supervise your children when they eat in order to prevent any unwanted situations.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.