The Importance of Babywearing in Your Child's Development

The Importance of Babywearing in Your Child's Development

Last update: 18 May, 2018

Expectant parents have many decisions to make before the arrival of their little one. Many parents spend a great deal of time choosing just the right stroller. However, today on You Are Mom, we want to suggest a simpler alternative: Babywearing!

Have you ever thought about the benefits of carrying your child around in direct contact with your body? Holding your baby close to you is highly beneficial to your baby’s physical and emotional development. 

It’s not just a beautiful and tender experience for the mother to be so close to her child. Babywearing provides great benefits for babies as well.

Being close to you gives your baby a deep sense of protection and safety, making him feel more at ease. Furthermore, it strengthens the bond and union between a mother and her newborn. 

These are just a few examples of the many advantages that babywearing provides.

Babywearing has given me freedom, and it has given my baby comfort. What more could I want? Raising my baby this close to me is natural and beneficial.

Continue reading below to discover even more reasons to choose the babywearing method for your little one. We’re sure you won’t regret it!

The benefits of babywearing for your baby’s body

Children that are raised using the babywearing technique have advanced psychomotor development. The constant swaying of your own movements produces better balance and postural control for your child.

At the same time, babies that spend long periods of time in seats or strollers take longer to adapt to the changes that their body experiences.

Newborn babies have a natural C-shape to their spine, which is normal and should be respected. However, a healthy baby’s spine will straighten over time.

If an 11-month-old baby still has a C-shaped spine, this isn’t normal nor is it healthy. It’s a sign that he has likely spent too much time lying or sitting in a stroller or seat.


The Importance of Babywearing in Your Child's Development

This same child may have a misshapen head – a condition called plagiocephaly. This is the result of spending too much time in strollers, baby seats or car seats that aren’t appropriate for your child’s physical development.

Baby carriers like wraps, slings and ergonomic backpacks provide your baby’s entire body with the support it needs. They accompany the changes that every baby’s body goes through.

These changes will allow  your child to crawl, sit, stand and walk in the future. Keep in mind that ergonomic backpacks should only be used once your baby can sit him or herself up without assistance. Until then, you should opt for a wrap or sling.

Babywearing encourages your baby’s freedom and autonomous movement. This, in turn, promotes muscle exercise. In other words, it makes way for a more natural, functional and organic development.

Babywearing is key for infant physiological development

Without a doubt, there are no two better places for children than the floor and their parents’ loving arms. This is key to guaranteeing your child’s correct motor development.

Furthermore, the carrier’s movements strengthen your baby’s body. In this sense, babywearing produces an experience similar to that of the embryo inside the mother’s womb.

But not only that, the importance of babywearing has to do with a child’s physiological aspects as well. These are some of the benefits that you should be aware of:

  • The babywearing method involves your little one in her surroundings, developing and stimulating all of her senses.
  • Babywearing frees the hands of the adult not only from holding the baby,  but also from pushing a stroller, etc. This means the entire family has more freedom of movement.
  • You may think that babywearing must be harmful to the carrier’s back. In fact, just the opposite is true. Ergonomic baby carriers distribute the baby’s weight, actually reducing strain. What’s more, it even helps to tone your muscles, improving posture!
The Importance of Babywearing in Your Child's Development
  • Proper babywearing means the child is always in the vertical position, which has a secret benefit: Less gas for your baby! The vertical position benefits your child’s digestive system and allows him to pass gas more easily.

Even more benefits of babywearing

Babywearing strengthens the relationship  between parent and child. The closeness that babywearing allows is a key aspect of attachment parenting, based on the theory that a strong emotional and physical bond to at least one primary caregiver is critical to personal development.

Babywearing is both practical and comfortable, as it leaves our hands free and allows us to rest our arms. Another huge advantage is that parents who babywear say their babies cry less often and sleep much better.

Furthermore, studies of the kangaroo method show that children who are kept in close skin-to-skin contact with a parent or caretaker gain weight faster.

The babywearing method also has a positive impact on your child’s socialization. Children that are “worn” tend to be more social because they have an easier time integrating themselves in daily life.

This should be of no surprise, since these babies actively participate in their carrier’s everyday activities.

Last but not least, babywearing is considered greatly beneficial for breastfeeding. Having your child so close causes you to secrete oxytocin

This hormone favors the flow of breast milk, guaranteeing an optimum nursing experience.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.