The Importance of Listening to Children

Even if your children are too young to make decisions or express opinions, they still have feelings. They have their own experiences and desires. Listening to children is important at all ages.
The Importance of Listening to Children

Last update: 01 October, 2018

Listening to children is an essential part of their education. Parents who dedicate time to helping their children become pillars their children can lean on.

However, work, responsibilities of daily life and lack of time may cause parents to not dedicate the amount of time their children needThey may not show their children the importance they deserve.

To pay attention to your children, you just need to put in a little effort on your part. In that sense, make sure they know they can count on you.

Show them that they can trust you with their joys and sadness. It’s important to always listen to them, respect their feelings, and ask about what they’re worried about.

“Just as there is an art to speaking, there is an art to listening.”

–Epiteto de Frigia–

Why is listening to children important?

Find your inner child

Through children, you can find your own childhood. Voluntarily or not, people tend to forget most childhood memories. However, when you honestly listen to your children, you reconnect with the past. You remember the child that you once were.

Childhood is a wonderful stage with lots of discoveries. During this phase, your child is amazed by everything around him. He’s very curious about the outside world. Through your child, you get a new view of the world that can be a refreshing touch to your routine

The Importance of Listening to Children

Listen when he needs help

Your son has his own problems. It’s difficult for him to see that his words or achievements aren’t recognized. Your child needs attention and comfort. Therefore, you should pay attention to him when he speaks.

When he sees you’re listening, it helps him build his self-esteem and self-image.

When you listen attentively to your child, he will feel calm and release his stress. In addition, you can help him work through what makes him anxious and find solutions. This will help him talk openly about other problems and strengthen your relationship with him.

Bond with your children

Listening to your children allows them to approach you more easily and build a relationship around trustIn addition, they will feel valued and respected. They tend to have the same attitude with their siblings, and even other adults and children.

Paying attention to them helps make your bond stronger and more intimate. Your children will start to understand that they can count on you with their problems. They also know you can help them better understand their emotions and opinions.

If you establish this relationship when they’re young, there’s a higher chance that it’ll last until adulthood, including adolescence.

How to listen to children

  • Good listening starts with your attitude. When you listen to your child, we recommend stopping what you’re doing. Keep away from distractions.
  • Take time to listen to what he wants, his problems, his joys, and his expectations. Make sure to listen to your child every day. You can make time where you’re just talking to him.
  • Give him all of your attention. Your child needs to feel like he’s the center of your attention. He needs to know you’re interested in what he’s saying.
  • Don’t interrupt him. Let your child speak without interruptions. Let him finish his thoughts.
The Importance of Listening to Children

Listening to children contributes significantly to their education. It also helps them open up more easily to others. As a mother, you should always be there when your child needs to express his needs, concerns and happiness.

In short, a child always needs someone he can turn to. Knowing how to listen to children requires effort from parents. This guarantees a positive impact on their growth and development.

Not all parents are good at listening. However, with a little effort, they can develop and improve their listening skills.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.