AppTK: The App Recommender for Kids
On a daily basis we’re inundated with new apps that we can download. Wouldn’t it be great to have an app recommender to help us decide which are the best? Well, help is now at hand!
The latest technologies and the different electronic devices that have emerged as a result of the Internet revolution have made apps, both for adults and children, become an essential element of our day-to-day lives.
Due to the success of these apps, specialized apps for children have also begun to emerge. However, many of them are somewhat lacking in quality, both regarding their content and also their appearance. There are also many that are full of unwanted advertising, and even others that are downright deceitful.
To solve these problems and to know which are the best apps for children, we’re going to tell you a little bit about an app recommender called AppTK.
AppTK, the app recommender for kids
Children are used to reading on different digital formats on electronic devices and apps. However, the problem is that parents are often not able to find the best apps for children.
This is why experts created AppTK. It’s an app created by a group of researchers that helps to recommend the best apps for children and young people. AppTK currently has over 300 app reviews for children and young people. They recommend quality apps that are very suitable for children and young people.
AppTK structure
The structure of the AppTK platform is very simple and allows you to search for different characteristics, depending on what you’re looking for.
App recommender, according to age group
First of all, you’ll need to search for the most suitable apps according to your children’s ages. The ages are split into the following ranges.
- From 0 to 5 years
- 6 to 8 years
- From 9 to 11 years
- 12 to 14 years
- And, finally, from 15 to 18 years
The apps for children on this recommendation platform have different utilities, and you’re sure to be able to find apps that will have the necessary characteristics that will turn them into your children’s favorites.
The most popular apps are the ones children use to play games, create things, listen to music or information, or to read. Of course, this all depends on your child’s tastes and what they really need.
The subject matter is an essential search element in any app, and especially in apps related to reading or books. Most children are very drawn towards animals, for example, and you’ll be able to search for your child’s favorite topics in the drop-down lists.
In this way, you’ll be able to find a quality application that your children will love, and it’s sure to have all the features that will make it a real favorite with your child.
When you search through all the available apps, you’ll see that many of them have won an award. This will help you see the apps that are highly regarded and that have an exceptional quality, and the AppTK app recommender highlights these.
App recommender fact file
All of the more than 300 apps that make up this app recommender are accompanied by a descriptive and informative fact file about the app in question. This will help parents and educators alike to discover more about the app and to know if they may be useful for them.
Name and descriptive images
The first thing we find when looking through the apps is, of course, its name. In addition to the name, we’ll be able to see several screenshots taken from the app which will help to give us a better idea of what it’s like.
In this way, we’ll be able to get a feel for the app and know more about its characteristics. This is very useful information, especially if there is a charge to download the app.
We’ll be able to make a better judgment about whether we want to purchase the app with all this information, and we’ll have a good idea about whether it’ll fit our tastes and needs.
Informative symbols
Next up on the app description are a series of symbols which will offer us all sorts of useful information about the app:
- The languages you can use the app in
- The operating systems you can use it on
- The recommended age for its use
- A star rating given by the experts working on the platform
- The category the app belongs to
More information about the app
Finally, just as when we purchase a physical book, AppTK includes a review of the app explaining the most important aspects. It also includes other information such as its year of release, the format, and the developer who made it. In this way, we’ll be totally informed about the app that we’re consulting.
Finally, they include a rating section where you can rate the app once you’ve downloaded and used it. You’ll have the chance to leave comments to help other users know if it’s a suitable app for them.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Apptk. Apptk: recomendador de apps para niños y jóvenes. (última consulta mayo de 2019). Recuperado de: