The 24th Week of Pregnancy

The 24th Week of Pregnancy

Last update: 07 July, 2018

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes. As in other weeks of pregnancy, hormonal processes and variations in belly size and discomfort may appear in one way or another.

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby doesn’t stop moving. At this stage, the baby is floating in amniotic fluid and moves all the time.

He usually sleeps 20 hours a day, even though the mother has an active lifestyle. On the other hand, the little one’s heart rate at this point is a little bit slower.

The 24th Week of Pregnancy

Characteristics of the fetus in the 24th week of pregnancy

30 centimeters long

During this week, the little one measures 30 centimeters and weighs 600 grams. The baby’s skin begins to develop and forms a protective layer that contains keratin.

The outer layer of the skin reduces the amount of fluid lost by the baby. His outline becomes rounder and he acquires the shape of a newborn.

Baby’s lungs

The baby’s lungs in the 24th week of pregnancy develop more; they are stronger and work better. Although the child isn’t yet ready for the outside world, he’s getting there.

During this week, the lungs begin to align their branches and produce surfactant. The surfactant is the substance responsible for correct lung function. Sometimes his rib cage is shaken by hiccups. This is completely normal.

Premature baby

Sometimes babies are born at this stage of pregnancy. If this happens, doctors should give care and treatment to save him or her.

In order to save the child’s life, intensive care must be given, since this phase is very delicate. Many premature babies born at the 24th week of pregnancy die because their lungs aren’t well formed.

Why does the fetus have the hiccups?

Fetal hiccups exercise the lungs, and they’re completely normal. Babies usually experience this during pregnancy and throughout their lives.

Hiccups allow them to prepare to regurgitate milk. The 24th week of pregnancy is known as the fetal viability age.

How does a woman’s body change in the 24th week of pregnancy?

During this week, the woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes. Stretch marks appear, which can be disguised or avoided with a good diet.

The expectant mother can practice exercises if the doctor allows it. There are a lot of exercises that pregnant women can do; the important thing is to consult a doctor before starting.

Stretch marks: why do they occur?

Stretch marks occur because the body is growing, causing stretch marks on the buttocks, breasts and belly. Stretch marks can be controlled with creams, a good diet and exercise.

Hot flashes during the 24th week of pregnancy

At this stage, the woman begins to suffer from hot flashes and sweats more than usual. This is because her weight has increased and her heart rate is higher.

Pregnant women can find ways to cool off, or they can consult their doctor about ways to control hot flashes. The important thing is to stay hydrated at all times and to wear light clothing.

Wash the folds of the body

Due to the excess weight, women can develop folds in their body, such as under the breasts. It’s important that the woman bathes often and dries these folds well, thus avoiding irritation.

Fatigue and pallor

During the 24th week of pregnancy, the woman tends to be pale and tired, and may even experience dizziness and anemia. This symptom is very common in the gestation stages, because iron levels fall greatly.

The red blood cells decrease and the baby demands a lot more. This affects the body, and anemia occurs.

Well-being in the 24th week of pregnancy

If you’re travelling this week, then take some precautions. Travelling by car is not recommended, since this stage is quite delicate and complications can occur.

If you’re going to travel, it’s best to do it by plane or train. Never ride a motorcycle while pregnant.

Some means of transportation can cause nausea and vomiting. If this happens to you, try to avoid them.

The 24th Week of Pregnancy

In this stage, the abdomen has already greatly increased in size, which is why the woman begins to suffer pain in her back and spine.

If the pain gets worse, you can consult an expert. Never take medication; self-medication can cause serious and irreparable damage to the baby.

Mothers must be under the supervision of an expert

All mothers should be in contact with a doctor during all phases of pregnancy.

Controlling the pregnancy with an expert will prevent the future mother from suffering complications. Some babies come with congenital diseases, and getting checked allows this to be known early.

It’s very important for the mother to take care of her diet, since everything she consumes will have a strong impact on her baby.

The mother should avoid cigarettes, drugs and alcohol during pregnancy and afterward. These vices can cause problems in the baby’s body and their lungs may not develop well.

Harmful effects of cigars

Cigars can also affect the body without smoking them directly, since the smoke itself is damaging. Baby’s bodies are much weaker, which is why you should avoid damaging them with vices.

Maternal care

Maternal care during pregnancy is fundamental for the baby’s development. Future moms should keep in mind the great responsibility they have, so they should take care of themselves. Some mothers are the culprits of the diseases found in their children.

Some malformations are also due to poor pregnancy care or diseases that were suffered in this state. Chicken pox is responsible for many malformations or deafness in children at birth.

If the mother comes down with an illness, she should consult her doctor, who will tell her what medicine to take. The important thing is that you’re aware of your health.



All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Huamán Guerrero, Moisés, and Alberto Sosa Olavarría. “Madurez pulmonar fetal: evaluación ecográfica,¿ es confiable?.” Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia 61.4 (2015): 427-432.
  • Morales-Barquet, D. A., et al. “Protocolo clínico de atención en el recién nacido con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria.” Perinatología y Reproducción Humana 29.4 (2015): 168-179.
  • Menéndez Robledo, Elena, et al. “Conocimientos sobre seguridad vial en mujeres embarazadas.” Metas de enfermería 16.1 (2013): 8-14.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.