Week 27 of Pregnancy: What to Expect

What happens during week 27 of pregnancy? What changes occur in both mother and baby? Find out more today!
Week 27 of Pregnancy: What to Expect

Last update: 11 December, 2018

During week 27 of pregnancy, mother and baby find themselves more united. The baby continues developing and preparing to be born, while the mother continues her countdown to giving birth.

Every detail starts to adapt and integrate. The mother’s heart rate connects to that of the baby. Her moods also have a direct influence on her unborn child.

The sensations that the woman experiences are meticulous. At this point, she can perceive each movement that the fetus makes with his or her arms and legs. In fact, she can even feel when her baby has the hiccups.

Mother and baby communicate and understand one another. In this sense, the mother can tell when her baby is resting and when he or she is restless. By massaging her own belly, she can even manage to calm her little one down.

What to expect during week 27 of pregnancy

  • Your belly is growing rapidly. Your baby takes up almost your entire uterus. This makes many women physically uncomfortable. You may have difficulty moving around and being able to rest.
  • Your cravings get stronger. The cravings you experience are often a sign of what your body needs. Therefore, it’s important to listen to what your body is telling you. For example, if you’re craving ice cream, then your body may very well be in need of fat or calcium.
Week 27 of Pregnancy: What to Expect

  • New symptoms appear, including back pain as well as pain in your pelvis and the back of your thighs. This is because your body is getting ready for the big moment of your child’s arrival. Your bones and muscles are getting into the right position for giving birth.
  • Mood swings become more frequent and seem to come on for no apparent reason. Pregnant women rapidly go from happy to sad, without explanation.
  • You may experience an increase in appetite. At this point, many women feel like eating constantly. It’s a stage in pregnancy when it’s important you make an effort to limit your weight gain. Sedentary life combined with increased appetite can cause you to put on more pounds than you should. If you’re not careful, this can affect the birthing process.
  • Cramps become more frequent, especially in your legs. Generally, women experience more cramping during the night. Standing up and walking for a few minutes is the best road to relief. A good massage on the affected area can also be helpful.

Changes in your skin and enlargement of your breasts

  • Your skin may become darker on certain areas of your body. Many women develop a brown line that forms from the pelvis to the belly button. This darkening of the skin is the result of melanin concentration.
Week 27 of Pregnancy: What to Expect

  • Your breasts continue to grow and small veins appear below the skin’s surface. It’s important you keep the skin on your breasts hydrated with lotions that are specifically designed for stretch marks. Small bumps will appear around your nipples – this is completely normal.
  • It’s time to start attending classes to get you ready for birth. These classes will allow you to understand each moment of labor in detail. It’s a great opportunity to clear up any doubts you may have.

Your baby during week 27 of pregnancy

At 27 weeks, your baby measure about 14.5 inches from head to toe. He or she weighs a little over 2 pounds and takes up almost your entire uterus.

The child’s body is rapidly accumulating fat. This fat allows him or her to maintain a proper body temperature within the uterus. It’s also a source of calories that your little one will use during the first days after being born.

If you get a 3-dimensional ultrasound during week 27 of pregnancy, you’ll see detailed images of your baby. You’ll be able to identify facial features, the size of his or her hands and feet, as well as some movements.

Week 27 of pregnancy is a stage in which the little one’s internal organs finish developing. In general, the digestive and respiratory systems mature rapidly.

The nervous system also evolves and babies begin to move their eyelids. They open and close their eyes, suck their fingers, and alternate between periods of sleeping and of being awake.

Suggestions for week 27 of pregnancy

  • As you feel your baby’s movements, you also come to know his or her needs. Therefore, you should try to accompany your baby’s resting times. If you notice that your baby is too active during week 27 of pregnancy, then try to relax so that your baby can rest too.
  • It’s extremely important that you eat a healthy diet based especially on fruits and vegetables.
  • Make a list of any questions or doubts you’re having in order to discuss them with your OB/GYN at your next appointment.

Time goes by very fast when you’re pregnantBefore you know it, you’ll be gazing into your little one’s eyes.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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  • Ganén Prats, Ibrahim, & Aguilar Peláez, Madelaine, & Martínez Núñez, Eligio, & Cabrera Núñez, Elixandra, & Rosales Sánchez, Marubia (2007). NUTRICION DURANTE EL EMBARAZO. Revista Información Científica, 55(3), .[fecha de Consulta 26 de Mayo de 2021]. ISSN: . Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=551757328014
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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.