When to Add Eggs to Your Children's Diet

Eggs can be a great source of protein for your children's diet. It's important to know the right age for your kids to start eating them. You also want to be sure they eat the recommended daily amount.
When to Add Eggs to Your Children's Diet

Last update: 18 September, 2018

Eggs can’t be missing from children’s diets. However, you need to know when and how to add them so they can adjust properly.

Eggs are rich in nutrients and provide an exceptional contribution during the first few years of life. Now, can you give eggs to your children in any form? No, yet there are plenty of options to choose from. We’ll explain more below.

Characteristics of eggs

Eggs have three parts: the shell, yolk, and white. Together, the yolk and the white contain a high index of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and other essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. In other words, the nutrients are well-distributed between the white and the yolk.

Egg whites are 88% water and proteins. Of these, ovalbumin stands out. Therefore, we recommend eating only the egg whites for certain diet types. Yolks are rich in fats, mineral salts, and proteins rich in phosphates.

When to Add Eggs to Your Children's Diet

Benefits of adding eggs into children’s diets

  • Eggs contain all the nutrients necessary for kids to grow up big and strong.
  • Eggs provide energy due to their high protein content.
  • Due to their soft consistency, they’re easy to chew and digest.
  • Eggs naturally provide vitamin D to the body.
  • Yolks contain monounsaturated fats. This means they aren’t harmful to the body.

Thanks to these and other benefits, it’s important to add eggs to your children’s diet. Of course, the amount depends on your children’s age.

Be sure to introduce eggs to their diet progressively. Starting at 6 months, we recommend starting with the yolk, preferably well-cooked and without salt.

From 10 months old onward, you can give them a whole scrambled egg or omelet, cooked. Be sure not to add any seasoning. Don’t give children fried eggs until they’re over 2 months old.

Regarding how much egg to give them, be careful not to give them too much. In other words, give them half an egg when they’re 6 months old, then a full egg. It’s not a good idea to give your children more eggs than their weight allows.

Ideas to introduce eggs in children’s diets

Egg nests with spinach and cheese


  • 1 egg
  • Butter
  • Cheese (to taste)
  • Cream of spinach
  • Onion, optional


  1. Break the egg, beat it, and set it aside.
  2. Fill the greased muffin tin half way with the cream of spinach.
  3. Make holes in the cream of spinach with a large spoon.
  4. Pour a little beaten egg in each hole.
  5. Season it with a little bit of salt, add the cheese, and place it in a bain-marie.
  6. Place it in the oven for 15 minutes until the eggs are cooked.

Colorful tortillas


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cooked beet
  • 4 spinach leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • Salt (to taste)


  1. Beat the eggs and add a little salt.
  2. Place equal parts of the whipped mixture in three different containers. Add the cooked carrot and blend. Set it aside.
  3. Repeat the same process with the beet and the crushed spinach leaves. Blend each mixture separately.
  4. Place the tablespoon of oil in a small hot pan.
  5. Pour each mixture separately, forming colorful tortillas.
When to Add Eggs to Your Children's Diet



  • 1 potato
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • Salt and cheese to taste


  1. Cut the potato into small pieces and cook it in the oil.
  2. Beat the eggs and add salt. Then, stir it with the potato.
  3. Place the whole mixture in a pan. Once it’s cooked on one side, turn it over with a plate so the tortilla is well-browned on both sides.

Nowadays, you can even find powdered eggs on the market. However, these are usually just used for baking. Most people don’t use them as part of their regular diet. Although, you can do that if you would like to.

When consumed in moderation, eggs can be a great addition to your children’s diet  They contribute to their nutrition and overall health.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.