The Importance of Teaching Children The Value of Money

Children usually devote their time to learning, playing, and having fun. However, parents should spend some time teaching them things that will prepare them for the future. In this article, we'll show you how to teach children about the value of money.
The Importance of Teaching Children The Value of Money

Last update: 13 December, 2018

The sooner you teach your children about the value of money, the more prepared they’ll be for adult life.

When children are small, money isn’t yet an essential part of their lives. Nevertheless, it’s the best time to teach them about how to use it, helping them develop a healthy and balanced relationship with this resource.

The importance of teaching kids the value of money

There’s more to teaching children to value money than opening them a bank account and showing them how to save. It goes far beyond that.

You need to show them how to value their savings, and that money is something they need to earn. This results in less selfish, stingy and wasteful individuals in this materialistic era.

Additionally, learning about money is a fundamental part of a child’s education because it helps raise their awareness about the importance of savings in terms of home economics.

In other words, they’ll learn how much it costs to buy the things they enjoy every day. They’ll also learn that you can’t always get everything you want.

Educating your child about the value of money is a worthwhile endeavor. A child who knows how to value money will find it easier to deal with his or her limitations without becoming frustrated.

Six ways of showing your child the value of money

Teach your children what money is truly worth. When you take them shopping, show them the prices. Although your child may be small, as he or she grows up the difference between expensive and cheap will become apparent.

Show your little one the importance and benefits of making a budget, helping him or her understand that it’s not good to spend more than you have.

Explain that there are people who have a lot of money and can afford to buy things that others cannot. Even if someone happens to have a lot of money, there are certain expenses that should be limited.

In addition, children should know that their happiness doesn’t depend solely on money. The following recommendations will help you communicate these ideas effectively:

The Importance of Teaching Children The Value of Money

Set an example

Remember: children are like sponges that absorb what they see. They’re always attentive to how you behave.

If they see you spending recklessly and buying things you don’t use, they’ll imitate you in this regard. That’s why the best way to teach children to value money is through your own actions.

Assign household chores

Children need to understand that adults work to earn their money. A simple way to teach this lesson is to assign simple chores, such as removing weeds from the garden.

When they complete an assigned task, reward them. You can make a chore schedule and establish a payment system for some of these responsibilities.

This way, they’ll learn that you need to make an effort and then wait patiently in order to obtain a reward. It will help instill both self-control and respect.

“You need to show children how to value their savings, and that money is something they need to earn. This results in less selfish, stingy and wasteful individuals.”

Teach them to save

Once your child has his own money, it’s time to teach him or her the importance of not spending it all. One way is to buy a piggy bank to save part of everything he or she earns.

Meanwhile, if the child is 10 or older, you can open a savings account for him. Obviously, you should be the one who manages it, even if the funds are his.

Encourage them to set realistic goals

To motivate children to save money, encourage them to set a goal of what they’d like to buy with what they save.

You can also propose that they take a course or go on a trip using their own money. This exciting prospect will help teach them the value of saving.

However, you shouldn’t impose anything. Rather, children should be allowed to choose according to their own preferences. You should only offer suggestions and support their decisions.

Children feel a great sense of satisfaction after saving to meet a goal. This will motivate them to continue to save in the future.

The Importance of Teaching Children The Value of Money

Set a budget

It’s important to tell children about the advantages of setting a budget and ensuring that one’s income matches the expenses. Making a plan of what you’ll earn, spend and save in a month helps you to be more disciplined when using the money.

Teach them to find deals

By the age of 10, children are already capable of understanding numbers and amounts. When shopping, ask them to offer their opinions regarding deals on products. This way, you’ll both examine the virtues of each deal, and your child will be happy to have been consulted.

In conclusion, remember that to teach children the value of money, you must first set an example. This will help them appreciate what they have while understanding the importance of earning it.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.