5 Tips To Recover From Abdominal Diastasis

5 Tips To Recover From Abdominal Diastasis

Last update: 18 October, 2017

Abdominal diastasis occurs in all women during pregnancy. However, in some women it occurs more severely than in others. Therefore, recovery after birth can take a little longer in certain situations. When speaking about diastasis, it is important to know that it’s not just an aesthetic problem.

Recovering your figure after pregnancy can be a lengthy process. Although at first it seems complicated and almost impossible to achieve, there are certain measures that can be taken right after giving birth.

We all know that the arrival of a baby leads parents to commit themselves more to the baby’s life than to their own. However, don’t forget that your recovery is also important for your child. Your child doesn’t only need you to take care of them; they also need you to feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself the family’s quality of life will improve as well.

In order to prevent depression, it is important for a mother to regain control of her life after giving birth. It is normally to worry about the baby but the mother is also very important.

Say goodbye to abdominal diastasis

The problem associated with abdominal diastasis is very frequent. It causes an expansion of rectus muscles of the abdomen in order to make space for the baby. The uterus starts to expand as the pregnancy develops and this causes the separation of abdominal muscles.

These muscles do not return to their normal state immediately after a woman gives birth. The process occurs differently than it does with other tissues such as the uterine and vaginal cavities. Distended muscles need special recovery methods – the following tips can be useful:

Healthy diet

Just like in pregnancy and postpartum, diet is a key factor. It is better to opt for a healthy diet. It is also important to have a balanced diet when breastfeeding in order to provide all the nutrients your baby needs.


Keeping your body properly hydrated is especially important while dealing with this condition. Drink lots of water and liquids to help muscle recovery.

Water also helps improve milk production. You can also hydrate skin from the outside by using natural oils. They also help to in the recovery of elasticity.

Specific exercise

After giving birth, abdominal diastasis can cause bulging to persist in the area for various weeks. This is how it is possible to have a tummy similar to that of woman in her third month of pregnancy.

The expansion that occurs over the 9 months of pregnancy doesn’t revert from one day to another. Keep in mind that not all exercises are advised for recovery.

Physiotherapist Rafael Vicetto tells us that doing crunches is not advisable. This exercise causes abdominal muscles to separate and this is not what we want.

He recommends light exercise that has low impact on the area. Jumping or running are not good for the pelvic floor during this stage of recovery. It is better to go on a daily 45-minute light walk.

“You might feel fat for 9 months but the happiness of becoming a mother lasts forever”. – Nikki Dalton

Medical evaluation

Before starting any type of treatment or exercise, it is important to consult your specialist after a month and a half of giving birth. Sometimes abdominal diastasis causes injuries such as the rupture of the alba line. When this pathology occurs, there are unpleasant symptoms such as pain, digestion problems, urine loss, etc.

After your medical evaluation, personalized treatment can be recommended. However, intense exercise that puts too much strain on the abdomen is not recommended. Depending on the gravity of the diastasis your doctor might also indicate specific treatment.

Stop diastasis

For a long time, the most used method to treat diastasis was surgery. However, a new system known as stopdiastasis has been developed recently. It is a non-invasive treatment that helps muscle recovery through many methods. They sometimes indicate the use of a special girdle.

They also recommend performing basic exercises that you can incorporate in your daily activities. The main idea is to create habits related to how we move, sit, stand or hold the baby. Most people find that stopdiastasis has favorable results in the first weeks of application. When done correctly, it can help provide visible recovery in the first 21 days.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.