103 Boy Names that Start with the Letter H
Pregnancy is one of the sweetest moments in a woman’s life. If you’re about to have a baby, surely you agree with this statement. However, there are many questions in the air, right? Let us help you with these proposals for boy names that start with the letter H.
We’ll investigate the meaning of each one of them and we’ll tell you where they come from so you can calmly make your analysis and see how each one sounds when you put it together with your last name. Do you want to join us?
A name for your child that starts with H
We know that you’ll be immersed in the preparations to receive your baby. You love to feel how he moves inside you, so just imagine what he’ll be like and think about everything you’ll do with your little one.
We would like to give you some ideas for boy names that start with the letter H. You’ll see that there are a lot of options, so everything will depend on your tastes. There are traditional names, others that are inspired by stories, and others that are inspired by the sea.
If you still don’t have a clear idea of what you want to name your little boy, pay attention to these suggestions of names that start with the letter H. You’ll be surprised by the number of options it offers.
Boy names that start with the letter H
- Haakon: a name of Scandinavian origin that comes from the Norwegian Hakon. It means, ‘useful, skillful’.
- Habib: this name is of Arabic origin, it means ‘beloved’, ‘dear’.
- Haco: a name of Celtic origin, it means ‘flame’, ‘fire’.
- Hadriel: of Hebrew origin, it means “splendor of Jehovah”
- Hadi: of Arabic origin, it means “the one who guides on the right path”.
- Hafid: of Arabic origin, it means “that which preserves, that which protects”.
- Haid: this is a name of Arabic origin, whose meaning is ‘the one who returns to God’.
- Haidar: this is also a name of Arabic origin that means ‘lion’.
- Haig: a popular Armenian name that represents the grandson of Noah, considered the father of the Armenian nation.
- Haim: this is a name of Hebrew origin, a variant of Chaim, meaning ‘life’.
- Haines: of German origin, it means “country house”.
- Hakan: a name that has its origin in Native Americans and means ‘fiery’.
- Hakim: this is a name of Arabic origin and it means ‘wise’.
- Halil: of Arabic origin, it means “honorable companion”
- Halim: also of Arabic origin, it means “gentle, gentle, patient”.
Names for boy
- Hamelin: this is a name of French origin, whose meaning is ‘house’.
- Hamid: this name is of Arabic origin and means ‘worthy of praise’.
- Hamil: a variant of Hamilton.
- Hamilton: this is a name of English and Scottish origin, it means ‘treeless hill’. If you love this musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda, then don’t hesitate to give this strong name to your child.
- Hamlet: of English origin, it comes from Amleth, a prince of Denmark that Shakespeare wanted to immortalize in his famous work.
- Hamza: of Arabic origin, it means “mighty, lion”.
- Hanni; of Arabic origin means “full of joy”.
- Hanibal: this name is of Phoenician origin. Before, it was written Hanan-baal, which means ‘benefited with the grace of Baal’, ‘generous Lord’.
- Hans: this is a name of German origin, a diminutive of Johannes. It comes from the Hebrew name Yochanan, which means ‘God is merciful’.
- Haoa: this is the Hawaiian variant of Howard which means ‘watchman’.
- Harisha: this original name comes from Sanskrit and means ‘lord of the monkeys’.
- Harith: this is an Arabic name meaning ‘good provider’.
- Harsh: this name of Indian origin means ‘joy’.
- Harman: a name that comes from the German heri, ‘army’ and man, ‘man’.
- Haron: this is an Arabic name meaning ‘highly praised’.
- Harry: of Germanic origin, this name means ‘owner of the house’.
- Hart: this name is of English origin, meaning ‘deer’.
- Harrington: this is a name of English origin that means ‘family farm’.
- Haruka: this is a name of Japanese origin that means ‘calm’.
More boy names that start with the letter H
- Hasán: this is of Arabic origin and it means ‘good’.
- Hasani: a pretty name of Egyptian origin, meaning ‘handsome’.
- Hatem: of Arabic origin, this name means “justice”.
- Hector: a very popular name of Greek origin. It refers to a ‘well-formed or educated person’.
- Hejar: of Kurdish origin, it means “poor, poverty”.
- Henley: of English origin, it means ‘high meadow’.
- Hélder: of Teutonic origin, it means ‘warrior’.
- Heleno: of Latin origin, it means “Greek”.
- Helio: a name of Greek origin, it means ‘sun’.
- Heliodorus: of Greek origin, it means “gift from the sun”.
- Hélido: of Greek origin, it refers to the people of Helis, a region of the Peloponnese.
- Helmer: of Germanic origin, it means “protector”.
- Helmut: of Germanic origin, it means “protector or defender of the people”.
- Helvecio: of Latin origin, it refers to the inhabitants of Helvetia, currently Switzerland.
- Henrik: of Swedish origin, it means “ruler of the home”.
- Henrique: of German origin, it comes from haimerich or hiemrick, which means “powerful house”, or “owner of the house”.
- Henry: of English origin, a variant of German Haimirich, from the Germanic heim, it means “house” and ric, “power” or “ruler”.
Names for boy
- Heraclius: of Greek origin, in its Spanish variant. It comes from Hērakleios, “belonging to Heracles”.
- Hercules: his Greek name is Heracles, but the one we usually use is the one given to him by the Romans. It means a “man who has a lot of strength”.
- Heriberto: of Germanic origin, it means “famous warrior”.
- Herbert: a variant of Heriberto.
- Hereno: of Latin origin, related to Hera, the Greek divinity wife of Zeus.
- Herenio: a variant of Hereno.
- Herman: of Germanic origin, whose meaning is ‘army man’.
- Hermes: this is a name of Greek origin, which means ‘messenger’.
- Hernán: an old variant of Fernando.
- Hernando: another old variant of Fermando.
- Herod: of Greek origin, it comes from hero.
- Herundino: of Latin origin, it means “one who is a good husband”.
- Hervé: this name is of Celtic origin and means ‘worthy of battle’.
- Hervy: a variant of Hervé.
- Hervey: this is one of the variants of Hervy.
More names for boys that start with the letter H
- Hieron: of Greek origin, it means “sacred”.
- Hyginio: of Greek origin, it comes from igieinós, which means “healthy, in good health”
- Hilal: this name is of Arabic origin and it means ‘new moon’.
- Hilario: of Latin origin, it means “laughing”, “cheerful”.
- Hilarion: a variant of Hilario.
- Hildefonso: of German origin, it means “prepared for battle”
- Himar: a name of Canarian origin from the Berber peoples of North Africa. It means ‘donkey’, ‘patient subject of work’.
- Hyperion: this name comes from ancient Greek and means “he who walks on heights”
- Hippocrates: of Greek origin, this name means “mighty by his horse”
- Hippolytus: of Greek origin, he was the son of the king of Athens, Theseus, the one who had killed the Minotaur. It means “the one who unties the horses”.
- Hiram: is a name of Hebrew origin, which means ‘my brother, the exalted one’.
- Hiroshi: its meaning is generosity and it’s one of the oldest names in Japan
More boy names
- Hoel: of Welsh Hywel, meaning “eminence.”
- Hokulani: in Hawaiian, it means ‘star from the sky’.
- Holden: a name of English origin, it means ‘deep valley’.
- Holt: this is a name of English origin, it means ‘son of the preserved forest’.
- Homer: of Greek origin, it means “the one who doesn’t see”, “blind”.
- Honesto: of Latin origin, it means “honorable”.
- Honorato: of Latin origin, means “honored”.
- Honorio: a variant of Honorato.
- Honorinus: derived from Honorius.
- Horacio: of Latin origin, it comes from horatius, possibly as a veneration for Hora, the goddess of youth.
- Howard: of Scandinavian origin, it means ‘noble guardian’.
- Huali: this is a Hawaiian unisex name meaning ‘pure, bright, white’.
- Huapi: a nice name of Mapuche origin, it means ‘island’.
- Huáscar: a name of the twelfth Inca emperor.
- Hubaldo: of Germanic origin, it comes from hug and bald, which means “bold”.
- Hubert: of Germanic origin, it comes from hugberth, “intelligent and brilliant”
More names for boys
- Hudson: a name of English origin, it means ‘son of Hudd’, which is a variant of the name Hugh.
- Huenú: this is also a name of Mapuche origin and means ‘he who is on high, sky’.
- Hug: this is the variant of Hugo in Catalan.
- Hugo: of Germanic origin, this name means ‘intelligent’, ‘lucid’, ‘insightful’.
- Huilen: another name of Mapuche origin, it means ‘spring’.
- Humbaldo: a variant of Hubaldo
- Humberto: this is a name of Germanic origin, which means ‘big and bright bear’.
- Hunter: a name of English origin, etymologically means ‘strong as a bear’.
- Hyman: of Hebrew origin, it comes from Hyam, from the Hebrew chayyim, which means ‘life’. It’s the male version of Eve.
Choose the name you love the most from these boy names that start with the letter
What do you think of these boy names that start with the letter H? Surely you’ve found what you were looking for among all these options. Without a doubt, each of them has a different meaning and origin, and that’s what makes them magical.
However, if you still haven’t had enough and you’re still looking for the chosen one, you should know that we have more articles full of ideas. So don’t hesitate to read other suggestions that we’ve prepared specifically for you.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Carratala Teruel, F. (2004). El por qué de la letra h : la h, una letra sin valor fonológico que no representa sonido alguno. B/Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias . Recuperado de https://redined.educacion.gob.es/xmlui/handle/11162/34076