How to Relieve Gum Pain in Babies

How to Relieve Gum Pain in Babies

Last update: 22 April, 2018

The emergence of babies’ teeth can be very bothersome. The pain can be manifested by crying, and visual symptoms of inflammation such as redness. What can parents do to help alleviate gum pain in babies?

Teething is a natural process that occurs as a baby develops. However, the experience can cause parents to worry.

Fortunately, there are simple techniques that can help reduce the discomfort of gum pain.

Babies’ teeth begin to form when they’re still in their mother’s womb. The emergence occurs around the age of 6 months and it extends to 28 months.

Each child is unique, so the time frame can vary from case to case. Some children even come into the world with one or several teeth.

The central teeth are usually the first to emerge. The ones below emerge before the ones above.

At approximately ten months, the upper lateral incisors begin to emerge followed by the emergence of the lower incisors.

Molars and canines emerge between the 14th-18th month.

Frequent symptoms

It’s important to monitor the child’s behavior. Since they still haven’t developed their speech capacity, they can’t communicate how they feel.

Their mood tends to change when teething begins. They begin to cry, and get upset without apparent cause.

You have to check their mouths. Gum pain is caused by inflammation.

The gum begins to swell even before the tooth is visible. They also start to salivate a lot more.

Since they’re in pain, the child might stop eating the amount they usually do. They’ll also present certain problems sleeping horizontally.

Their heart beat becomes more intense and their pulse raises due to the pain they’re in. This is called “pulsatile pain.”

Gum Pain in Babies

When should you visit the doctor?

High temperature can signal infection. Diarrhea can also be a sign of bacteria viruses or other stomach problems.

Sometimes the baby might have put something dirty in their mouth or have a wound from something they bit on. Parents should be vigilant.

If the correct measures aren’t taken, constant drooling can cause the irritation of the baby’s chin and cheeks.

Since they salivate more than usual, their stools may appear a bit softer. These conditions are normal and they can be prevented.

How to relieve gum pain?

Putting something cold on their gum in an effective remedy to relieve the pain.

In order to apply this technique, you take a glass of ice water, put your finger in it and then place your finger on their gums.

If your baby is using a pacifier, you can put it in the fridge and then give it to them when it’s cold.

There are various products in stores that are made of rubber with a bit of gel inside for babies to bite on.

It’s important to put these products in the fridge to cool them down, but they shouldn’t be frozen. The low temperature is effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

Their diet can also help them. Preparing homemade sugar-free ice-cream can be a good option. Little slices of apples as well as pears, mangoes, bananas and papaya can also offer relief.

The best remedy is love

Feeding or putting a child to sleep can be difficult when they’re teething. Using a silicone spoon to feed them can be less bothersome.

Also, before putting them to sleep, it’s recommended that you give them a warm bath to help them relax.

The tears can be constant since it’s the baby’s way of complaining and expressing their pain.

Gestures of love will help you calm them down. Taking the baby in your arms, singing to them or just spending time with them can also help them relax and stop crying.

Gum Pain in Babies

Do medications help?

The emergence of teeth can take up to a year and will cause a lot of pain for babies.

If you notice that homemade remedies don’t work for them, you can use medications.

It will be the pediatrician’s job to decide what to prescribe. The most used medication are analgesic gels that can be applied directly to their gums.

These medications can’t be used when breastfeeding because they contain anesthetics.

Pediatricians sometimes recommend the use of ingested analgesics such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and paracetamol.

However, keep in mind that the use of aspirin and benzocaine are contraindicated.

Preventative care

Sugars, junk food and refined sweets should be avoided. Their diet should contain vegetables, fruits, legumes and proteins. Calcium should also be incorporated into their diet.

When it comes to the appearance of their teeth, they sometimes look crooked. There is no need to worry about that, as they usually straighten up as they grow.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.