How Your Body Changes After Childbirth

How Your Body Changes After Childbirth

Written by Gladys González

Last update: 27 December, 2022

From the first day you find out that you are going to be a mother, your body has already begun to change, perhaps not significantly, but over time it becomes more noticeable. Would you like to learn how your body changes after childbirth?

Pregnancy is one of the greatest blessings a woman can receive. You dream of your child’s hands, face, eyes, and even how they will cry, up until that special moment when you can finally hold them in your arms, and completely forget about your physical appearance.

Once you get into a routine, difficult times will come, like feeling tired, or looking into the mirror and realizing that you have gone through significant physical changes that may affect your self esteem and consequently your state of mind.

But don’t worry, in this article we will analyze how the body changes after childbirth, and we will give you some recommendations on how to get back the body that you were used to before you got pregnant.

There are some women who watch their figure before, during, and after childbirth, leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Because of this, they don’t end up experiencing such drastic changes to their figure after childbirth.

No matter what, your body changes to some degree. But the important thing is to understand why some areas of your body will naturally return to normal and others require a little effort to achieve this goal.

How Your Body Changes After Childbirth

how your body changes after childbirth

Motherhood changes you internally, completely and for the better. Enjoy your little one and learn about how your body changes int he short and long term after childbirth:

  • The most noticeable change is the increase in the volume of the uterus, as this can grow to almost 7 times its usual size, due to the systems that help the baby develop, which take up considerable space (the umbilical cord and placenta). The uterus will return to its normal size after childbirth in 6 weeks at the most.
  • The next change may not be so noticeable: it has to do with the displacement of your organs. Due to the increase in size of the uterus and your baby growing and seeking comfort within the womb, your organs may be displaced slightly.
  • Perhaps this is the most difficult change to accept: the stretching and pigmentation of your skin create dreaded stretch marks. These changes are difficult to reverse once you have them, although there are good preventive methods and effective treatments to diminish their appearance.
  • Normally when you have a natural childbirth, your pelvic floor tends to become a little “relaxed.” For this, it is recommended to do an exercise routine that consists of contracting and releasing your bladder every time you go to the bathroom, and in a very short time it will return to normal.
  • Natural childbirth, or better known as “vaginal birth,” can cause the inner tissues to expand which causes a considerable decrease in sexual pleasure. In addition, vaginal tightness will decrease. This varies depending on the size of the baby, and you can ask your doctor to find out how you can prevent this.

After Childbirth: The Best Time of Your Life

black and white photo of parents with baby

Worrying about how your body will change after childbirth can be stressful, since often you don’t know what changes will actually be permanent. But once you have all the information, you can take measures to significantly improve your body.

As much as you may be careful with your diet and try to control your monthly weight gain, some changes are out of your control. You just have to relax, be patient, and understand that you have given life to another being and that this is worth any changes in your body.

The most important thing to remember about this whole process is that once the baby is born you will have to take certain steps to return to the body shape you had before pregnancy, but avoid putting too much pressure on yourself.

Remember that the most beautiful thing about pregnancy is to be able to experience it fully, and once you are able to hold your healthy and strong baby in your arms, you will have plenty of time to devote to yourself and to looking the way you want.

Remember: The key to fulfilling your goals is to be patient without losing focus.