8 Astronomy Apps for Kids

Take a look at these fantastic astronomy apps to introduce your children to learning about the universe that surrounds us.
8 Astronomy Apps for Kids

Last update: 11 October, 2022

Learning about the sky full of stars is taking another step in the discovery of the universe that surrounds us. Thanks to technology, today our little ones are closer than ever to all the stars. Therefore, we want to show you the most fabulous astronomy apps for children, which can be used from any mobile device.

The goal is for our kids to explore the universe in a fun and entertaining way, to learn about the firmament of this small world and the vastness of the Milky Way. With these easy-to-use astronomy apps, any little one will know where the Sun, stars, and planets are located in this galactic neighborhood called the solar system.

Astronomy apps: A solution for children’s learning

Constant learning is key to child well-being. It’s not only necessary for the child to know what their closest environment is like, but also how this universe works in which we’re mere specks of life.

“The harmony within and beyond the horizon sustains the ocean of infinite cosmos.”

-Abdullah Al Moinee-

1 . Star walk 2

A child dressed like an astronaut surrounded by illustrations of planets from outer space.

We’ll begin our visit to these astronomy apps with one that allows children to get closer to the sky and take them for a walk through the stars. This is the second version of the program, which has made it a more complete, interactive, and fun option.

This tool transforms into an incredible atlas of the universe for children to see the stars and planets in real-time. It has a spectacular minimalist design and is very intuitive to use.

2. Astrokids Universe

An application that facilitates learning and knowledge of the universe in a fun way. The child becomes an astronaut who travels through the stars by assembling puzzles and arcade-type games.

In them, the little one must succeed in carrying out the various space missions entrusted to them, while discovering the Solar System, the Milky Way, and other galaxies. While having fun, this app reinforces cognitive skills such as memory and concentration.

3. Solar Walk Free

As if it were a planetarium, this application shows the universe in 3D and turns it into something very attractive for the child. In addition, it allows a detailed exploration of the Solar System in real time, through walks through its moons and planets.

Likewise, it invites little ones to get to know comets and asteroids and how celestial bodies are made up inside.

4. Cosmolander – Missions in the Solar System

This is another excellent application for kids, as it takes them on an exciting journey through the planets and their satellites through a narrative. With it, your children will make an interplanetary journey full of imagination and fun. Encourage them to travel!


NASA’s own app, the famous aerospace agency of the United States, offers a special section for children and students. NASA TV can be contacted live, making it easy to access thousands of space videos, news, trackers, and exciting content of various kinds.

6. SkyView Lite

Another excellent app that will help children to recognize galaxies, planets, and stars. With it, you’ll see satellites, use the infrared of your mobile phone to enjoy a complete sensory experience, and learn everything there is to know at your age of the universe that surrounds us.

7. Google Sky Map

An image from outer space.

This is a very complete sky map based on the powerful Google Earth tool. It offers various tools to glimpse starry nights and to recognize nebulae, galaxies, planets and, other celestial bodies.

8. Stellarium

We’ll finish our tour with this magnificent application that’s more than 20 years old. It’s a sort of precious planetarium that allows children to recognize stars from a catalog of more than 600,000 options, among which are planets, moons, and other space bodies of interest.

Take advantage of your phone to get the most out of children’s learning

These 8 astronomy apps for children are ideal to discover what’s in the sky beyond our world. They have simple, easy-to-learn, and very intuitive interfaces that make it easy for the little ones to learn.

Actually, they make up a knowledge tailored to children, and with them, your kids will enjoy discovering the wonders that the universe created thousands of years ago.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Heifetz, M.D., Tirion, W., (2019). Un Paseo Por Las Estrellas: Una guía de las estrellas, las constelaciones y sus leyendas. Madrid: Ediciones AKAL.
  • National Geographic. La Luna. [Internet] Disponible en: https://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/temas/luna

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.