Gelatin for Children and Pregnant Women

In today's article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of gelatin for children and pregnant women.
Gelatin for Children and Pregnant Women

Last update: 09 March, 2022

Gelatin for children and pregnant women is one of the easiest desserts to prepare. It’s very popular in homes with small children, as it’s very attractive visually. At the same time, there’s a wide range of flavors.

It’s one of the first solid foods that mothers decide to give their children. As it has a soft and smooth texture, it doesn’t pose a danger to children when they’re in the stage of learning to chew and eat food.

At the same time, gelatin is one of the foods that’s used when there are physical discomforts in the pharynx and larynx, as well as gastrointestinal conditions.

Gelatin for children and pregnant women is a food that’s easy to eat and digest, so it helps the body to recover, little by little, in case of illness.

What is gelatin?

Gelatin is a conjugated protein. In other words, it’s made up of a polymer composed of amino acids and is obtained through an industrial manufacturing process.

Gelatin is a substance that’s obtained from collagen, which is a protein molecule that’s found in abundance in bones, hooves, tendons, viscera, and skin of livestock (horses, poultry, cattle, and pigs).

Gelatin in powder form.

Gelatin is considered a protein in its pure state. Vitamins and mineral salts are added to enhance its qualities and obtain benefits. This compound of animal origin, which lacks color and flavor, is the main base of what we know as ”gelatin”.

The advantages gelatin for children and pregnant women

  • It’s mostly made up of water, so it can be very good for hydrating the body.
  • It’s easily digested, which is why it’s ideal for those who suffer from slow digestion and digestive problems such as heartburn.
  • Its fundamental basis is a protein: Collagen. Collagen participates in the construction, support, and elasticity of all structures in the body. In addition, it exerts an anti-inflammatory action.
  • Provides vitamins. The type and amount of vitamins depend on the manufacturer.
  • Being a soft food that needs cold in order to achieve its consistency, it’s easy to eat and is extremely refreshing; it’s ideal for small children.
  • It’s fat and cholesterol-free. Due to these two properties, it’s recommended against childhood obesity and excess weight in pregnant women.
  • Prevents constipation. Constipation is a common discomfort during pregnancy and the first months of life in children; in the latter, it occurs, above all, when solids are incorporated into their diet.
  • Contains mineral salts. Like vitamins, the amount and type of mineral salts it contains depends on who makes it.

The importance of eating jelly

Gelatin with pieces of fruit in it.

Collagen is an indispensable protein within the human body, but unlike other proteins, vitamins, minerals, and any other nutrient, collagen isn’t usually part of the daily diet.

Natural sources of collagen are mainly found in meat and more in those that contain cartilage. Collagen can also be obtained through fish soups, animal bone broths, and recipes made from animal tendons.

However, during childhood and pregnancy, the aforementioned dishes aren’t usually part of the diet. The reason why the importance of eating gelatin in these stages is that this food is practically one of the few ways for this protein to enter the body.

The disadvantages of gelatin?

Its pleasant flavor and composition, its nutritional properties, and the abundant amount of water it contains have made gelatin a popular dessert. Even so, there are those who affirm that it’s an artificial product of little benefit.

This is because artificial flavorings, colorings, sugar, and additives are added to gelatin (its main component), and collagen is greatly modified and lacks the main essential amino acids for nutrition. That’s why it is important to eat a good quality gelatin that’s not made only with additives.

Although these characteristics may tarnish the emblem of “healthy and nutritious food” that this dessert carries, in reality, the criticism has not affected its popularity.

Gelatin continues to be a food recommended by health professionals.

Now, gelatin must be included in the diet as a dessert or snack. You should never substitute other edible foods such as proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, and vegetables.

During childhood, specifically in the first months of life, gelatin should not, in any way, replace a food as essential as breast milk.

If you’re pregnant, we recommend that you eat gelatin during snacks or whenever you feel the urge to eat unhealthy foods. This way, you’ll take better care of your health and that of your baby.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Food Data Central. Gelatins, dry powder, unsweetened. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Abril 2019.
  • Gómez Fernández-Vegue M. Recomendaciones de la Asociación Española de Pediatría sobre la alimentación complementaria. Noviembre 2018.
  • Medline Plus. Gelatina. Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos. Febrero 2022.
  • Moskowitz R. W. (2000). Role of collagen hydrolysate in bone and joint disease. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism30(2), 87–99. doi:10.1053/sarh.2000.9622
  • National Cancer Institute. Definition of fat-soluble vitamin. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.