Tips for Shopping During Quarantine

If you're concerned about your health and those around you, pay attention to the following tips for shopping during quarantine. They'll give you peace of mind and protect you and those you love.
Tips for Shopping During Quarantine
Silvia Zaragoza

Written and verified by the nutritionist Silvia Zaragoza.

Last update: 27 December, 2022

Today we want to offer a series of tips for shopping during quarantine to help you avoid the risk of contagion.

The first few days of confinement were absolute chaos when it came to shopping. Many people started to stock up on a large number of goods just in case.

Tips for shopping during quarantine

Shopping during quarantine: Before you head out

First of all, it’s important to plan out what you want to eat over the course of the week. Why? Doing so will help you make a list of everything you need so you don’t have to go to the store as often.

Of course, you’ve got plenty of free time, but it’s best to go out as seldom as possible. If you can, write down how much you need of each item to feed everyone in your household. As experts say, it’s best for only one member to do the shopping.

Once you’ve planned your meals, you should also add a section on your list of some basic elements you should always have on hand:

  • Fresh fruits (at least 3 or 4 different kinds).
  • Vegetable and leafy greens – fresh, frozen, and canned.
Tips for Shopping During Quarantine

  • Rice, pasta, and any other grains, like millet, quinoa, etc. Since these are dry products, they tend to last quite a long time. Therefore, you can cook larger quantities and keep them on hand to prepare quick and easy meals.
  • Dry and cooked legumes.
  • Canned or frozen fish. Another option is to buy fresh fish and freeze it yourself once you get home.

Before you leave your house, remember to take your own cloth and reusable shopping bags. This will help keep you from wasting plastic, which pollutes the environment.

At the same time, this will keep you from having to touch a shopping cart or basket while you’re at the store. These items may contain the remains or particles, even if staff disinfect them often. And last but not least, before you leave, take a moment to wash your hands with soap and water.

Shopping during quarantine: What to keep in mind when you get to the store

As soon as you get in, disinfect your hands with the alcohol the store provides (or use your own) and put on gloves. 

Despite the fact that you can put them on at home, it’s best to wait until you get to the store. This is because you’re likely to accidentally scratch your face or touch some surface on your way to the store… such as an elevator button or doorknob.

Therefore, save your gloves for when you’re at the store, and then throw them into a nearby garbage can when you leave. Make sure to wear a mask and don’t take it off at any time. 

Avoid talking, sneezing, and coughing around foods – especially bulk foods. Also, be sure not to eat or chew gum during your shopping trip.

Always be sure to respect social distancing guidelines by keeping at least 3 to 6 feet between you and others. Not only when you’re choosing your items, but also when you’re in line to pay.

Tips for Shopping During Quarantine

Shopping during quarantine: Time to pay

First of all, wait your turn in line and, as we said, make sure to stay 3 to 6 feet away from other shoppers and the cashier. When possible, use your credit or debit card to pay. 

If you must pay in cash, try to pay with the exact change so the cashier doesn’t have to give any money back to you. Remember that metal (i.e. coins) is one of the surfaces where the virus can remain the longest.

Shopping during quarantine: Once you get home

Leave your bag on the floor as soon as you get home to avoid contact with the surfaces where you manipulate foods or eat them. Then, put your items away and, once you’re finished, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Finally, wash and disinfect all of the fruit and vegetables that you plan on eating raw. Carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions. Even though experts agree that it’s very unlikely that foods can be a source of coronavirus contagion, fresh fruits and vegetables can carry other harmful microorganisms.

In conclusion: Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to your health and the health of others. And remember to be extra careful around those who are most vulnerable, including the elderly and those with a compromised immune system.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.