The Benefits of LKT in Classrooms
For the new generations of students, technologies are everyday elements that are part of their lives. Therefore, they know how to use technology. There are many benefits of LKT in classrooms. This is because implementing them in the teaching-learning process will foster the development of new skills necessary for children’s personal and professional life.
What are LKT?
Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) refer to the inclusion of information and communications technology (ICT) in education to facilitate the teaching-learning process.
According to Roser Lozano, coordinator of the Resource Center for Learning and Research, LKT try to guide ICT towards more formative uses for both students and teachers. Its goal is for students to learn more and in a better way.
“In short, it’s about knowing and exploring the possible didactic uses of ICT for learning and teaching.”
– Roser Lozano –
In other words, it isn’t only about using ICT in classrooms. It’s about knowing the tools and also knowing how to select and use them appropriately for learning, depending on each student’s needs.
The benefits of LKT in classrooms
Nowadays, technologies are very important school supplies. This is because their presence is indisputable in all areas of life. In addition, for so-called digital natives, technology is the most attractive resource for them and the resource they’ll feel the most comfortable with.
“Reflecting on technology’s role in education led me – despite my being a strong proponent of using digital technology for learning – to the distressing conclusion that our educators, in their push to get our classrooms and education up to date, too often add technology before the teachers know, pedagogically, what to do with it.”
– Marc Prensky –
The use of LKT in classrooms facilitates learning
Classic master classes in which teachers spoke and the students listened no longer occur in today’s classrooms. Experts have shown that students internalize knowledge better if they have an active role in their learning.
The use of audiovisual presentations and the implementation of tools such as websites and blogs help involve students in the learning process. They also allow them to better understand content.
Collaboration is one of the benefits of LKT in classrooms
One of the most frequent applications of LTK are activities that require collaborative work by the students. This way, students are assigned different responsibilities and get involved in online work, either by creating web pages or forums or by sharing the projects they develop.
This helps students develop a series of social skills, such as teamwork, while also learning to use LKT in a useful way that’s applicable to their environment.
LKT promote skill acquisition
The so-called knowledge society requires people to know how to adapt to new situations constantly and quickly. Thus, LKT can greatly help students and lead to future success. This is because, through them, they can learn important skills such as critical thinking, complex problem-solving, leadership, and also communication skills.
Why integrate LKT in classrooms?
It’s a known fact that technology is important in every facet of life. That being said, it’s evident that, in the future, technology will have an even greater presence. Therefore, it’ll become a natural part of life.
In short, it’s essential to integrate Learning and Knowledge Technologies in classrooms. Incorporating LKT will help promote a series of abilities and aptitudes in students. For example, conflict resolution and greater flexibility and adaptation to different situations.
“Technology shouldn’t be considered an addition but a transformative element in education within the context of the information and knowledge in a society where students, their characteristics, social forms and paces of learning, etc., are constantly changing.”
– Júlia Coromina –
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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