Solomon Syndrome in Children: What Is It? How Can You Avoid it?

Solomon syndrome is a type of behavior that teachers, parents and guardians need to be aware of. Educating with love is the key to helping children overcome it and develop happily.
Solomon Syndrome in Children: What Is It? How Can You Avoid it?

Last update: 15 January, 2021

As a parent, educating your children is your biggest challenge, because this is a very competitive world, and people don’t share the same values. Nowadays, Solomon syndrome has become quite an important challenge for parents. Since education is so important for children, take note of the signs that relate to this problematic syndrome.

Solomon syndrome in children

Solomon syndrome is the tendency of children to adopt behaviors to avoid excelling or highlighting. Some people believe this occurs because children are afraid of being different, or of showing any special skill in front of a given social group. Psychologist Solomon Asch was the one who discovered this syndrome.

He arrived to these conclusions, after working on teenagers, who felt conditioned by the people that surrounded them. Nowadays, researchers focus on children of all ages. 

Unfortunately, those who suffer from this syndrome lack self-confidence. Therefore, they have low self-esteem, and they care too much about other people’s opinions.

Solomon Syndrome in Children: What Is It? How Can You Avoid it?

How to know if your children suffer from Solomon syndrome

Usually, children who suffer from Solomon syndrome are quite vulnerable to external pressure. This feeling arises when you try to come to an agreement with someone who thinks differently than you. The following are other sings that may indicate the presence of this syndrome:

Difficulties in decision making

During childhood, children learn to make decisions, such as what to eat or what to play, among other things. When they suffer from this syndrome, decision making becomes a really difficult thing for them. They usually state that they’re not qualified to make such decisions, and that other people can do it better.

They’re conformists

Since they feel constantly under pressure, they tend to accept other people’s ideas as their own. Even though they may think differently than the rest, they accept other people’s opinions and abandon their own ideals. 

Low self-esteem when suffering from Solomon syndrome

Even if they have amazing qualities, when children suffer from Solomon syndrome, they feel inferior to others. Therefore, they have low self-esteem, and they become very sensitive to other people’s judgements and opinions. As a result, they may become anxious just by thinking they can be judged or rejected.

One of the few things that make them feel good is being accepted by their parents, friends, classmates or teachers. Furthermore, they become emotionally dependent on people who they consider to be strong or confident.

They’re vulnerable and docile

The combination of low self-esteem, conformism and decision making difficulties lead children to become vulnerable and docile. If you don’t pay attention to this problem during childhood, they may end up using drugs when they grow up. Without a doubt, this syndrome may become a big problem for them when trying to socialize properly.

Solomon Syndrome in Children: What Is It? How Can You Avoid it?

How can you avoid this problem in children?

Good mental health in children will let them become an indispensable part of society. Therefore, you shouldn’t forget to:

  • Listen to them carefully, and use positive reinforcement every time they achieve something. As a result, it’ll improve their confidence, and they’ll stick to their ideas.
  • Don’t ever compare them to other people. Value them for who they are, and help them become independent.
  • Provide them with the necessary tools to respect themselves, to recognize their abilities and virtues, and to accept their flaws. However, they shouldn’t become intolerant or lose respect for other people.

In conclusion, children who suffer from Solomon syndrome will act like the rest of people, even though they may think differently. You’ll also identify symptoms that are easy to detect, such as low self-esteem. Finally, you’ll be able to avoid this with love and care.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • País, E. El. (2013). La envidia y el síndrome de {Solomon}. El País.
  • Rojo, J. A. (2015). Padres e hijos: el conflicto. El País.
  • Rebolledo, M. (2015). El demonio de la depresión.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.