Why It's Good that Your Children Learn Handwriting

Handwriting is essential in the teaching and learning process. In addition, it's necessary to be successful in life.
Why It's Good that Your Children Learn Handwriting

Last update: 18 November, 2020

Is handwriting becoming a lost art? Since the evolution of technology, inside and outside the classroom, handwriting has become less common in children. However, many psychologists and education experts suggest that it’s very important that children learn handwriting (print and cursive).

Handwriting shouldn’t be forgotten. People are lucky to be able to capture through letters whatever they feel or want to express and learn. But, why is it so good that children learn handwriting?

Preparation for handwriting

When learning handwriting, little children stimulate the key parts of their brain they need to read. Drawing or writing on a white piece of paper activates the part of the brain that adults need when reading or writing; whereas tracing or writing letters stimulates the brain to a lesser extent. 

Why It's Good that Your Children Learn Handwriting

Increasing productivity and creativity

Handwriting increases productivity and creativity, because when doing it, people use different parts of the brain. In the case of children, handwriting allows them to produce more words and faster than when using a computer. In addition, when handwriting, people activate regions of their brain that are associated with cognition, language and working memory.

Improving learning difficulties

People with learning difficulties seem to improve when writing by hand, especially in cursive. Writing in cursive may help children with dyslexia, because it helps them to read from left to right. And, it also helps them develop motor skills that prevent them from inverting letters, such as “b” and “d.”

Moreover, writing in cursive letters can improve writing and reading speed, and spelling. Probably, this happens because letters are all connected to each other and stay the same way in the memory.

Improving auditory learning

College students who take notes using their computers don’t do better than those who use their handwriting. When writing by hand, students hold more information. This is because when transcribing what they hear, they use their own words. And, this reinforces the knowledge they’re acquiring at that moment.

Connecting to history when handwriting

If you think about it, children will only be able to read original versions of important historical documents if they understand cursive handwriting. And, they’ll only be able to understand handwritings if they know that it can have many different forms.

Each person has their own type of letters and they have nothing to do with the ones from a computer. Also, many old family letters, documents or recipes are handwritten. So, being able to understand them can have a meaningful personal value.

A unique way to communicate

A handwritten note is more unique, personal and thoughtful than a text message or an email. We all know how special it is for children to write letters to Santa Claus or for their loved ones. It’s also nice to receive thank you notes through the mail. And, there’s nothing more original than our own signature.

Handwriting is so special that it doesn’t have to be replaced by computer writing. Using the computer is fine, as long as children learn handwriting first. Thus, new technologies shouldn’t replace handwriting.

Furthermore, handwriting is connected to our emotions, our mind and memory. That’s why handwriting should always be a priority in children’s learning.

Comprehensive reading and handwriting is essential if you want to be successful in life. Promote this form of writing in your children every time you have the chance. Make them use it in shopping lists, thank you notes, personal journals, etc.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.