5 Exercises in the Pool for Pregnant Women

If you are pregnant, swimming is one of the best ways to exercise. Include some exercises in the pool to benefit your health and that of your baby.
5 Exercises in the Pool for Pregnant Women

Last update: 02 August, 2022

One of the main recommendations for pregnant women to take care of their health is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle at all costs. For this reason, exercises in the pool arise as a very appropriate alternative to exercise.

In general, swimming stands out as a sport, and its benefits are especially important in the gestation process, both for the mother and the baby. For this reason, we want to teach you a series of exercises to do in the pool throughout your pregnancy. Don’t miss them!

What exercises in the pool can you perform during pregnancy?

Before implementing any type of physical routine, you need to have the endorsement of your obstetrician. Based on the clinical evaluation and the results of certain diagnostic studies, the professional will be able to determine how appropriate swimming is for you.

Once you have a medical authorization, you can implement any of the following exercises in the pool. Remember that the most appropriate thing is to do them under the supervision and constant company of the personnel trained for this work.

A pregnant woman swimming in a pool.

1. Coordinated jumps

One of the main benefits of physical activity in the water is that your body feels lighter in it. This feeling of lightness contributes to some intense aerobic exercises, such as jumping and moving. Unlike what happens outside, inside the pool, you’re not conditioned by the weight of your pregnant body.

In this case, we advise you to perform coordinated jumps, and to do them, you must stand inside the pool, in an area where the water reaches your chest.

From that position, you should start executing the jumps, while bringing your right leg bent forward. Ideally, form a 90-degree angle between your leg and thigh. Then, jump with your left leg forward.

The coordinated jumps favor the muscular work of the arms, legs, and middle zone. In addition, its constant performance helps you strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

2. Ball pressure

To perform the pressure exercise, you must place yourself in a place in the pool where the water doesn’t cover your head.

Adopt a position similar to that of the conventional squat: With your legs bent, glutes out, and back straight. In this position, place the plastic ball between your knees and apply pressure with both in order to squeeze the element.

The constant performance of this exercise favors the muscular development of the legs, especially of the abductor muscles and those of the pelvic floor.

3. Aquatic sit-ups

Performing sit-ups is something that’s uncommon for pregnant women, especially in the last trimesters, due to the growth of the uterus. However, in the aquatic environment, it’s one of the priority exercises. These movements can be performed during any week of pregnancy, with their respective adaptations.

In general, to perform aquatic crunches, you should use some worm-shaped floaties. In addition, you should place yourself in the deepest part of the pool.

To stay afloat, place one floaty under your back and another under your knee joints. Once you’re ready, try to bring your knees as close to your chest as possible. Perform several repetitions in a harmonious way, while controlling your breathing little by little.

4. Relaxation exercises

One of the greatest benefits of swimming is that it enables relaxation. Generally, this is achieved through flotation and is very positive for pregnant women.

There are different exercises to relax in the pool and to execute them, you’ll need the help of a professional in the area.

You can lie on your back, with your arms extended to your sides. The trainer will put one of their arms under your lower back to give you greater stability. From this position, you just have to stay still and allow all muscle groups to fully relax. We advise you to control your breathing so that it collaborates even more with the desired objective.

5. Walks with different steps

Walks are highly recommended for pregnant women. The advantage of walking in the water is that it can be done at different rates or intensities.

Although it’s a somewhat monotonous activity, it contributes positively to the well-being of all the muscles of the body. For this reason, we advise you to do laps back and forth in the pool as many times as you can.

Start with normal steps and then gradually open your legs. Also, you can choose to vary the distance: A normal step and then two longer ones.

The idea is that you regulate the intensity of work, release tensions, and stimulate your entire body.

A woman doing weight exercises in the pool.

Exercises in the pool, and swimming styles?

There are many exercises to do in the pool, some therapeutic and others focused on muscle strengthening. Both are very useful for pregnant women, as long as the necessary precautions are taken.

But what about swimming styles? You’re probably wondering about them, especially if you want to develop a routine in the water. Except for the butterfly stroke, all other styles can be practiced by the pregnant woman.

Just the same, it’s important to execute them calmly and also, analyze what week of pregnancy you’re in before incorporating them into your exercise routine.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.