I Got Pregnant Right Away After My Last Child! What to Do?
The vast majority of women believe that bringing a child into the world is a blessing. When we receive the news that we’re expecting, we’re overwhelmed with joy. But what happens when we’re just getting used to a new baby and we’re immediately informed that we’re going to have another one? Today, we’ll talk more about what you need to know if you get pregnant right away after your last child.
Postpartum pregnancies seem far-fetched and unreal, but they do happen. And faced with this scenario, the first question that may strike you is “what do I do now?”. In short, it’s not an easy situation to face, it takes you by surprise, you’re not prepared. But in these cases, the support of your partner and your family will be vital.
It’s possible that after finding out that you’re pregnant right away after giving birth, you feel like an irresponsible teenager and dozens of thoughts cross your mind. Many different ideas may come into your head, such as fear of not being able to handle the situation, even fear of telling your partner or family because you don’t want to be judged or seen in a bad light, but once the news has been digested, the only thing left is to face it.
Until you know real examples, it’s really hard to believe that a woman could have something like this happen to her. Lack of information and knowledge in these cases is your worst enemy, especially if you’re a first-timer.
Most people tend to think, “what bad luck” or, on the contrary, “what good luck”. The truth is neither is accurate; getting pregnant right away after your last child is a serious matter.
What happens in our body in the period following childbirth?
Many women don’t really know what happens in their bodies at this stage and why we must go through a healing process once we’ve brought a baby into the world, but in You Are Mom, we’ll give you the information you need.
In many cultures, the period from the time a baby is born until forty or forty-five days after delivery is referred to as a period of confinement or quarantine. It’s a time when the mother focuses on breastfeeding her baby and building a bond, while other family members tend to other household tasks and the care of any siblings.
During this time, doctors recommend not having sexual relations, as a woman’s body requires this time to return to the way it was before pregnancy, both hormonally and organically.
There’s a false belief that quarantine is a kind of punishment for the couple, but this goes beyond sexual abstinence, it’s about ensuring the welfare and health of the mother. Everything must return to its place.
During the quarantine period, not only do new mothers experience physical changes, such as the uterus and the stomach decreasing in size; important hormonal changes are also produced, such as the secretion of prolactin, essential to producing breast milk, as well as a gale of emotions.
During the so-called postpartum period, it’s perfectly possible to become pregnant. The absence of menstruation at this stage is due to the fact that the uterus is in the process of returning to normal and it’s very likely to take a long time to menstruate if you’re breastfeeding.
When you’re breastfeeding, ovulation decreases, but it’s not a guarantee or a reliable method of contraception. The best thing to do is always wait until your doctor says it’s okay.
I got pregnant right away after the birth of my last child, what now?
There’s no manual that tells you how to act or what steps to take when you get pregnant two months after giving birth, but here are some tips that will be very useful for those moments:
- If you suspect you may be pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test, but this will only increase your doubts. So the best thing to do is to go to the doctor as soon as possible and get rid of the uncertainty.
- At first, the shock is entirely emotional, so go to your partner and discuss it. It’s best to have someone to process the news with.
- It wasn’t planned, but it happened. Don’t let the situation overwhelm you, it’s not healthy for you or your offspring. We know it’s not ideal, but it’s a risk you take by having sex at a stage when you shouldn’t normally.
- Accept it and take heart! You’ll bring a new child into the world, which, although it wasn’t foreseen, deserves the same love as the one that was entirely planned for.
- Attend all of your gynecological controls without fail. After giving birth, the female reproductive system isn’t completely fit for reproduction, so it’s important that you go to the recommended checkups to ensure that you and your baby don’t suffer complications.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Canto, T., & Polanco, L. (1996). La amenorrea de la lactancia como método de planificación familiar. Salud Pública de México, 38(1), 58-63. https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/106/10638109.pdf
- LA LACTANCIA, I. A. A. LACTANCIA E INFERTILIDAD EN EL PERIODO POSTPARTO. https://www.icmer.org/documentos/lactancia/lactancia_e_infertilidad_postparto.pdf
Laza Vásquez, C., & Puerto Lozano, M. I. (2011). Cuidados genéricos para restablecer el equilibrio durante el puerperio. Revista Cubana de Enfermería, 27(1), 88-97. http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03192011000100010