The Amazing Changes Babies Go Through by Age 2

Until the age of 2, what Jean Piaget called the sensory-motor stage of child development occurs, when significant changes occur in the baby, both physically and psychologically. Today, we'll tell you about the surprising changes babies go through by age 2.
The Amazing Changes Babies Go Through by Age 2

Last update: 01 December, 2020

The changes that babies go through by the age of two are amazing. At this early stage, children experience their most dramatic advances, which occur in a very short time. In fact, this is when little ones go from not controlling their movements to starting to walk, which is a huge step for them.

Jean Piaget named this phase of child development the sensory-motor stage, and it lasts from birth to approximately two years of age. Let’s get to know it a little better.

The changes babies go through by the age of 2

A newborn child sees almost nothing and is virtually unable to interact with their environment. They can only cry when they need something like food or a diaper change, they’re unable to control their body movements, and they sleep almost all day.

Changes during their first 6 months

Little ones start communicating by crying. They can’t see beyond something that’s about 30 centimeters from their face; they listen, though they don’t understand sounds, and they smile as a reflex. Of course, they have a very developed sense of smell, so much so that they use it to recognize their loved ones, especially their mother.

The Amazing Changes Babies Go Through by Age 2

From that moment on, it’s all progress for the baby, who develops at an enormous speed. For example, they develop genuine smiles (no longer reflexes), which arrive in the sixth week of life.

In the following months, the little one begins to make a kind of pincer with their hands to grab toys that are within their reach. At the same time, they’ll also let go due to their grasp reflex.

In addition, the little one produces sounds with their tongue and lips. They also open their mouth naturally to eat, may start teething, are more able to concentrate, and can even hold their bottle by themselves. What’s more, they’re starting their first socializations and are asking for cuddles on a regular basis.

Changes babies go through from 6 to 12 months

At this point, the child has already hit 6 months of age, that is, their first half year of life. You can see that they’re getting older and growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s at this stage that they begin to crawl and babble. Babies develop their senses and communicate better and better with their environment. However, they still don’t understand it very well.

In this phase, feeding is closely related to their growth. The first teeth appear, so they can start eating some solids to complement the mother’s milk. This is the time when, little by little, and progressively, parents can add fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, fish, and meat to their infant’s diet.

On a psychological level, children understand their surroundings. They have a greater capacity for attention, something that you’ll notice when they grab a toy, when they watch cartoons, or when you do something silly in front of them.

The Amazing Changes Babies Go Through by Age 2

Changes babies go through by age 2: The evolution between 12–24 months

And now we’ve reached the second year of a baby’s life, a key moment in their development. That’s because during these 12 months, they go through an enormous evolution – perhaps the most significant evolution of their entire lives.

By this point, little ones already have considerable strength and crawl with absolute ease. So, it’ll be during this phase when they begin to take their first steps, if not before. Some achieve this before the age of 12 months, but only a few.

During this phase, children will walk more and more freely on their own, chasing toys and pets that they can carry. They’ll start to run, kick balls, walk on tiptoes, climb on all kinds of furniture, go down and up stairs, etc.

Throughout this second year of life, they’ll also improve their skills significantly. They can now scribble on paper, build toy block towers, use their hands frequently, and can even pour contents from one container to another.

Speech is one of their greatest achievements at this age. They recognize objects when they hear their names, as well as people, body parts, etc.

They’re also able to pronounce some words and even use simple phrases. They repeat some words they hear and follow simple instructions.

To conclude, remember that the amazing changes that babies go through by age 2 include sorting by color and shape, playing with imitations, discovering hidden objects, imitating behavior, challenging behavior, and even independence. Without a doubt, this is a wonderful time for our youngsters.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Romá Ferri, MT. (1996). Introducción a los cuidados de enfermería infantil: necesidades básicas. Alicante. Club Universitario.

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