My Child Is Always Yelling: What Can I Do?

Many mothers are unsure about what they can do if their children are constantly yelling.
My Child Is Always Yelling: What Can I Do?

Last update: 17 February, 2019

Does it concern you that your child is always yelling? Yelling can often become a habitual reaction for children, which can sometimes cause you to lose your temper.

Has your home become tense because of how much your child yells? Don’t worry, this is a common situation for many families. This is because in the early stages of childhood, yelling can become a communication pattern.

It’s a time when emotions run high. However, you’re probably wondering how to act when your child is always yelling. Can yelling be avoided? Find out below.

Why do children yell?

To understand and manage the situation, it’s necessary to understand the most common reasons that children yell. 

Because they’re children

Children are very active. They spend all day having fun with various games, exploring, and making a lot of noise.

Yelling and screaming happen naturally as a way for many kids to communicate, especially if they’re in a group with other kids. 

Every day they discover something new, and yelling can even be their way of expressing joy.

To imitate parents or other close relatives

Children might yell because they’re imitating the communication style they hear at home. Remember that you teach by example in all senses. As a result, if you tend to speak very loudly, your children will do the same by imitation.

My Child Is Always Yelling: What Can I Do?

To get attention

Children may want to call attention from whoever they’re with, and use yelling to make that happen. The smallest children need to be heard.

As you might expect, if children feel they aren’t being heard or that they’re being replaced, they’ll yell to get themselves noticed. 

To express emotions

Your child’s yelling may be a response to uncomfortable emotions such as frustration, jealousy, stress, and even excitement. 

Because of their age, children are less able to manage the energies that underpin these emotions. So the way they choose to let them loose is by yelling.

Developmental stage

My Child Is Always Yelling: What Can I Do?

During the period between 2 and 3 years old, children tend to go through a period of tantrumsIt’s all a challenge to parental authority.

Language difficulties

If children have any kind of speech disorder, it may be manifested through yelling. They do it as an expression of their mood.

Hearing problems

Auditory problems such as inflammation of the ear drum and other disorders keep children from hearing themselves speak. This forces them to speak loudly. It’s the only way they can hear themselves.

What can I do if my child is always yelling?

Once you know the reason that your child is always yelling, the next step is figuring out how to avoid it. Well, the answer is: cultivate patience. It’s the only way to calm your little one.

Lower your voice

Make an effort to be self-reflective and examine whether yelling is the norm in your house. If this is the case, try to adjust your tone of voice when you talk on the phone or to other family members.

Avoid the idea that a message is clearer and firmer if it’s accompanied by yelling.

Don’t give in to tantrums

If your child yells at you, do everything possible to avoid responding in the same way. In fact, if you lower your voice, children do the same and you’ll be heard better. 

However, it’s important to stay firm and establish rules so you won’t give in to tantrums. For example, let your children know that when they yell, you can’t hear them. If not, your children will know that they can get what they want through tantrums.

Wait for your child to calm down

You can’t reason with children when they’re in the grips of a very intense emotion like anger. Be empathetic and listen when they calm down. Let them express themselves without interruption. 

Additionally, teach them to listen. You can do this through reading. Another idea is to occasionally take your children to places where silence is necessary. The library is a good teaching tool in this way.

Consult a speech therapist

My Child Is Always Yelling: What Can I Do?

Talk to your child’s teacher to find out if your child also shows this tendency in class. If they confirm your suspicions, don’t hesitate to consult a speech therapist. A speech therapist is a professional who can help children lower their voices with specialized exercises.

In short, the storm that might come if your child is always yelling can end if you follow these suggestions. Remember that the primary thing is the example you set at home.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.