10 Ways to Strengthen Children's Talents

There are children who excel in an amazing way in certain subjects and this is something we need to pay attention to and nurture. As parents, we can strengthen children's talents by analyzing, observing and encouraging their skills and interests.
10 Ways to Strengthen Children's Talents

Last update: 23 November, 2020

Many children have special talents and it’s our job as parents to discover and nurture those talents. The best time to nurture our child’s gifts is when they’re young. Therefore, we want to share some tips on how you can strengthen children’s talents.

It’s important that, during the first years of our child’s life, we strengthen their character to encourage them to fulfill their dreams. Observing which subject they excel in will be paramount when it comes to focusing on empowering those skills and abilities.

Their greatest passion may be their greatest talent; it’s only a matter of observing and analyzing your little one. A child who develops their qualities also improves their senses and motor skills.

Why is it important to strengthen children’s talents?

You can recognize a child’s talent when they’ve developed a skill with ease and they’re able to perform it well. For example, playing a musical instrument, playing soccer, painting with particular ease for their age, etc. Many times, little ones ask for extracurricular activities that have to do with their talent precisely because they know that they’re good at that discipline.

10 Ways to Strengthen Children's Talents

It’s important that we listen to them and allow them to choose for themselves. This means not imposing the extracurricular activity that we want or that we think is the best.

Sometimes parents strive to give our child a thousand tasks to do because we believe that, this way, they’ll succeed. But when we do this, we’re making a mistake; we’re ignoring their need for play, the relationship with their peers, and time for leisure and calm. All of these things help children to think, observe, investigate, and build their identity.

If we help strengthen children’s talents from a young age, we’ll be awakening their interest in various activities, their ability to explore the world, etc.

We’ll encourage their autonomy and decision making, because, as you know, today’s child is tomorrow’s adult. For this reason, encourage them to have goals and want to fulfill them all.

Some tips to strengthen children’s talent

Some children, from a young age, have a great interest in certain activities in which they persist in order to achieve all their goals. Little ones need motivation and we, as parents, must encourage them in all the activities they do and in which they make an effort.

Let’s see how we can strengthen children’s talent by following some of these tips.

Take advantage of children’s curiosity

To strengthen children’s curiosity, we need to take advantage of their own curiosity and wonder, which will stimulate learning.

Use emotion to produce talent

If you don’t have any passion for what you do, then learning won’t occur. With that in mind, all your children need is excitement in order to pursue and achieve what they set out to do.

To strengthen children’s talents, observe their preferences

You observe and analyze the tastes, interests, preferences and concerns of children. As you do, you’ll realize what activities they’re passionate about and which ones they can spend hours on without getting bored. Those activities just might be their talents, so you should encourage them.

Developing talent in different contexts

It’s important to develop talent in various contexts in which children have to perform on a daily basis. These include school, family, leisure, cultural activities, etc.

Motivate at all times

Every time your child carries out an activity, you have to let them know that you trust them and that you know they can reach their goals. In that sense, you’ll accompany them in every activity and offer words of encouragement.

Be sure not to pressure them or demand more than they can give, because you’ll only end up discouraging them.

If you want to strengthen children’s talents, don’t pressure them

We all want our children to excel in everything they do, but you can’t forget that we all need to make mistakes in order to learn. If you push your children to be perfect, you’ll be turning them into insecure and introverted children. What’s more, your children may end up pushing you away because they think you don’t accept their imperfections.

10 Ways to Strengthen Children's Talents

Stimulate their capacities and abilities

Talent is innate, but you must encourage your children’s skills and abilities to fuel the development of their talents. Whenever you see that they like certain things, you should try to point them to activities that have to do with those tastes in order to encourage their learning.

Don’t forget to consult them when you enroll them in an extracurricular activity, so that they do it with motivation rather than obligation.

Learning that involves as many of the sense as possible

The environment in which children learn must include most of the senses (auditory, tactile, visual, etc.) in order to develop brain plasticity.

Habits and training boost talent

If there’s no constant and regular work, you won’t be favoring your children’s talent. Through training, practice and habits, we promote talent. Therefore, your children will have to work on their talents constantly.

Play as a skill enhancer

Play provides children with opportunities to practice their skills and abilities and, with practice, this can turn into talent.

In short, if you put into practice these tips to strengthen children’s talent, you’ll be stimulating their intelligence and enhancing their capabilities and skills.

When you discover what your children are talented at, practice, training and constant work will turn that exceptional ability into professional success and a more fulfilling life.

Remember that it’s very important to talk to your children about their dreams and goals. Give them love and always maintain good communication with them. Encourage their autonomy and the ability to make their own decisions, but always with your company.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Lobo, M. P. M. (2004). Niños inteligentes: guía para desarrollar sus talentos y altas capacidades. Palabra.
  • Novillo, S. M. (2018). Educar el talento: Guía para desarrollar nuevas habilidades en jóvenes y niños. Editorial AMAT.
  • Feldhusen, J. F. (1995). Identificación y desarrollo del talento en la educación (TIDE). Revista Ideacción, 4, 1-4. https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/36714002/educacion_en_talentos.pdf?1424472136=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DEducacion_en_talentos.pdf&Expires=1602235236&Signature=YDEJNlx6u~~vCfwqyuCCQWhrf1WITrhwB7pX5oOd7ZzHffIYwg50XgCyIs2OD5Ei4wnI-oTp5T9n~DNIW6neZVBDi0Wn1CpefQcyouQ7u-EX9KwmAQFh2~UiQvl9ORWj3J~VQyDwTbEWfwc1r4dzzA~SHzUXUGXGA46W8Vzbu21JQj2UMFHmLXjEna6m9UErN-TUykXQPxdPr77JHu0jfsCqv1uWpR3wdHaG8zs4qUxoYeDJNMF~GbRHuoA1sO7RiSWUcibjoTvhtaYVzn8ibAE-GKEw250AC0egJAC0r940S9NzBP8UuaaBEWx06qK32brmbFI~z51lX0xiIJNGUQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.